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  When we want to talk about the "Limbo" the first to talk about "harem inmates. Forbidden City Middle Road, Palace of Heavenly Purity, the cross-Thai temple, Kunning, known as the "Palace". The six homes in the East Road, Palaces and West Palaces. Feudal emperors "supreme" power, can be arbitrarily chosen concubine. The emperor's many wives. As for the woman elected to the palace, once out of favor, they died in the palace, the forbidden room, the more tragic. The Forbidden City "limbo" there is no fixed captivity Princess, Prince place, then known as "limbo". Check over to see the Ming and Qing historical limbo is not a palace of the officially named. According to some literature, the era of the Ming and Qing as a "limbo" in several places.
  The late Ming and apocalyptic Emperor when, as Princess Lee offended hehe the powerful eunuch Wei Zhongxian by Changchun Gong arrived at the Imperial Garden, west of the dry West, lived for four years. Has been cloistered dry West, set Fei, and Ke example. This "limbo" in the west of the Forbidden City.
  Emperor Guangxu Zhenfei Empress pan into the fire before, it is said off the north side of the North, King Kee Court three (now collapses), where Zhen Fei Well today the west gate. If this rumor comes from the mouth of the eunuchs is true, then here is also regarded as a "limbo".

Forbidden City designer

  Such a magnificent building in the Forbidden City, such a huge project, who will be responsible for the design? And who presided over the construction? This is indeed a historical mystery, and stumped a lot of old Beijing. Because the construction of the Forbidden City, such as modern architecture as clearly engraved this building was built in what year, by whom the design and so forth. Most people think that the Forbidden City Ming Dynasty, an outstanding craftsman, surname Kuai Xiang, called Kuai Luban.
  The National Palace Museum, ancient Senior Engineer Mr. Yu Zhuoyun a different opinion: who took part in the construction of the Nanjing palace Kuai Xiang is the designer of the National Palace Museum statement is inaccurate, in fact, Kuai Xiang is the museum's construction of host, the Forbidden City real designer should is unknown Cai letter. Wing-lok, 15 years, the Forbidden City palace began to enter the large-scale construction climax, Kuai Xiang Sui Zhu Di came from Nanjing to Beijing, began hosting the construction of the palace, Prior to this, Cai believed to have presided over the Forbidden City and Beijing planning, design and construction.

The emperor Shangchao locations

  Now many people think that the Hall of Supreme Harmony is usually used to Shangchao, in fact, is not the case. Hall of Supreme Harmony is the place to hold a variety of ceremony, the actual use of the small number Throughout the Ming and Qing dynasties, the emperor towards a place: the Gate of Supreme Harmony, dry clear door (Mikado hearings), the Palace of Heavenly Purity the emperor summoned the Minister of the seat (something big or important things) Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Mental Cultivation (behind a screen, the late Qing Dynasty), is not usually mentioned.

Why so many dragons in the Imperial Palace

  The Forbidden City is the world of the dragon, the dragon shape varied, lifelike. In the feudal society of China, the emperor was called "the true sons of the dragon is the master of the earth. The Forbidden City is the imperial palace of Ming and Qing dynasties, so the hall of the palace, bridge, Danbi, stone carving and Empress Bao Xi, apparel Imperial supplies are all dragon as decoration. So, the Forbidden City in the end how much Long? I am afraid that is in dispute. Rough calculation, the Forbidden City is known as the palace over 8000, and each temple only 6 Long calculation, there are nearly 40,000 Long, plus all architectural decoration and all the supplies on Royal Dragon, it would be endless.
  Someone to do a statistical, ie, the Taihe Dianding roof and Vatan, dripping Total dragon 2632, Wai Yan beam at windows and doors painted Trim Total dragon 5732, inside the eaves and the hall Liang Fang smallpox Total Long pattern of 4037, the house of Kim Joo, caisson, the throne, screens and furnishings 609 Total dragon hall walls and Snappers door cover 542 Total dragon.   This is not yet complete statistics, and various forms of Taihe hall outside the dragon, the dragon carving dragon there are as many as 13 844. The Wanlong pilgrimage interior design, form a majestic and mysterious atmosphere to the deification of the emperor, to intimidate the effect of subjects.

Three hall hospital does not plant trees

  Was the author put forward three main hall, hospital plant trees, mainly from the need to heighten the mood. Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Preserving Harmony, saying the outside toward the three main hall, where the emperor held a grand ceremony, ranking outside the Palace the center of the building from the position, the whole city center. Building in order to highlight the majestic momentum of the palace, to take a lot of practices, one is the hospital not planting trees, starting from the Imperial City, the main entrance of Tiananmen Square, the side door, the Meridian Gate, the Gate of Supreme Harmony, a series of courtyard between are no trees (the side in front after the tree is planted after the Revolution). People to audience with the emperor, and into Tiananmen Square after long Okimichi, marched in the layers of ups and downs of building space will feel an invisible, ever-increasing mental stress, and finally enter the Gate of Supreme Harmony, see the broad plaza towering Basilica towering triple on the platform, this mental stress reached its peak. The spacious squares, the blue sky, silhouetted against the three main hall, a more dignified spectacular. This is the supreme emperor of their subjects required. Courtyard planted with trees, greenery and pleasant, birds chirping, it will destroy the majestic atmosphere of the court. The Forbidden City the three sons of trees second reason is that the ancient Chinese emperors belong to the element "earth", "wood" g "soil", there is no "wood". The Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Central Harmony, and Paul and the temple on the platform is a ride south of the "soil". The third reason is: beware of assassins into the injuries to the emperor, minister. To protect the emperor from being harmed.

The Imperial Palace Nine Dragon Wall

  Nine Dragon Wall, Forbidden City, the finest glass tile tiling made of dazzling. However, listed on the Nine Dragon Wall of nine dragons from the East for the third article of White Dragon abdomen to fill up after the molding of wood carving.
  According to legend, when the firing Palace Nine Dragon Wall glass artisans accidentally, which one to burn, and then burn the glass process is extremely demanding, extremely difficult to burn and did not have enough time. a carpenter braving Qijunzhizui, alternative pieces of wood carving, and brush on the white paint, making it the same with the white Dragon abdominal color, and finally hidden from officials came to check, so that the artisans removed from a disaster.
  Nine Dragon Wall, Forbidden City is still with the "defective", standing in the south-east of the palace complex.

The mystery of the relics moved southward

  Full-blown on the eve of the Sino-Japanese War, Japanese, having annexed the territory in northeast China, "September 18 Incident" of 1931, and proceeded to march to North China, the critical situation. In 1933, Yi Prudential has been framed to leave. Ma Heng over as premier. That same year, the National Palace Museum in order to protect the safety of cultural relics, not to have been war destruction or Japanese imperialists plundered decided relics taken to avoid the enemy's southward migration strategy for choosing the essence of boxing move south, and the establishment of cultural relics in Nanjing, the Treasury, the establishment of the National Palace Museum Museum, Nanjing Branch. From February 1933 to May, has seized elected artifacts, books, files, 13,427 crates and 64 bundles, in five batches delivered to Shanghai, then shipped to Nanjing.
  In 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident "July outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in full swing. The southward migration of cultural relics and passing through numerous, and removed along the three-way migration to Sichuan, storage in Ba County, Leshan, Emei Mountain and other places. Puppet occupation, the National Palace Museum in Peking barely open. Puppet looted from the Imperial Palace Tong Gang, cannon, bronze lamps Pavilion total of 149, dissolved destroyed to make weapons. 1945 Sino-Japanese War Victory Peking recovered, the KMT government once again to receive the National Palace Museum, Ma Heng successor, Dean, moved southward three relics they consolidated in Chongqing in 1947, returned to Nanjing. In September 1947, the Antiquities display merged into the National Palace Museum.
  In February 1949, the liberation of Beiping, the National Palace Museum, taken over by the People's Liberation Army Peiping Military Control Commission Culture Committee took over. October 1 of the same year, the People's Republic of China established the National Palace Museum is under the Ministry of Culture of the Central People's Government. But considerably weakened the occasion of the end of 1948 to early 1949, the Nanjing Kuomintang government from Nanjing Treasury pick out 2,972 boxes of relics shipped to Taiwan, after Taipei City Waishuanghsi, the establishment of the new museum, publicly exhibited in . The remaining large number of artifacts, one after another after 1949, shipped back to the National Palace Museum, a million boxes, but so far there are 2,176 box is still sealed in Nanjing Treasury, commissioned by the Nanjing Museum to take custody.
  More than a decade of war in this period, the staff of the National Palace Museum is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, due diligence, the number of southward migration of cultural relics is huge, but not a loss and damage, the spirit of the Forbidden City staff, deeds, epic. But it was also a result of this upheaval that the treasures have been dispersed, the museum also officially divided into the Beijing Palace Museum and Taipei Palace Museum. Motherland's traditional culture in this collection as a whole, but especially with so incontestable that most people believe the day will eventually be completed.

Forbidden City ownership

  The Forbidden City is the world's cultural heritage, in this sense, the Forbidden City belong to the world. From the point of view of property ownership, the Forbidden City as a subject of great real estate, before the Revolution of 1911, has always belonged to the Qing Dynasty royal family. Feng Yuxiang last emperor Puyi expelled from the Forbidden City, it has been nationalized. It involved two important concepts in international law: the "nationalization" and "government inherited. When a government based on the interests of the people or public needs, the national private property or foreign public or private property, requisition or levy, which is "nationalization." Just actions of the revolutionaries to overthrow the monarchy, should public opinion, the character people, implemented by means of "nationalization" is legal. Therefore, the Forbidden City before all by the Government of the Republic of China.
  After 1949 the People's Republic of China was proclaimed, the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China is legitimate to replace the subject of international law status of the Government of the Republic of China, the state property, the inheritance of the "alternate government" - the Forbidden City is no exception. And the Government of the Republic of China in the number of property at home and abroad, the Forbidden City's ownership of the exercise by the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China.
  Two of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China provides that: "all the powers of the People's Republic of China belongs to the people, which of course also includes the possession, use, dispose of, and benefits of the power of public property - the Forbidden City. Has been a part of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage "National Palace Museum management with the Forbidden City? Also built a set of huge administrative management system? Perhaps it is for this reason, the Forbidden City managers will be the National Palace Museum's renovation as a unit within a matter to deal with its closed operation which triggered a series of controversial. "National Palace Museum is just one the institutions entrusted with specific responsibilities for matters relating to the Forbidden City as the National Museum and the human civilization carrier ownership and all right of disposition, rather than means its Forbidden City." The legal status of the National Palace Museum, is by the central People's Government of the people's Republic of China entrusted with the management agency of the state (universal) property.

"Palace Museum" or "Forbidden City"

  Forbidden City, as the representative of Oriental palaces, the palaces in the world model. In 1987, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to the National Palace Museum in the World Heritage List ". The official name of the Forbidden City Palace Museum (The Palace Museum), but in the tourist brochure published by the United States and Europe, are usually referred to as the "Forbidden City" (The Forbidden City), and annotated it is two of China's Ming and Qing behalf of the dynasty of the Royal resident. Most of the world had been there or want to come the Forbidden City, visitors want to see is a giant royal palace in the Hollywood movie "The Last Emperor" shining mystery, want to experience the Oriental monarchy era, sublime and magnificent, not just only to visit the national heritage of the Forbidden City and furnishings. Property of the royal palace in the Forbidden City, is far greater than the possession of material functions as a museum. Set up in the Gate of Supreme Harmony in the subconscious of the Forbidden City is considered a museum, a large-screen TV guides the idea had been proposed, the experts argue, the plan ultimately failed to implementation. Although such a favorable exercise of visitors, but the damage the overall style of the Forbidden City. There are a hand-held multimedia tour guide system can be satisfactorily resolved this problem.