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March 6, 2012 President of the National Palace Museum, Shan Jixiang revealed that in 2011 the National Palace Museum ticket sales of 650 million yuan, has been handed over to the treasury an annual budget in accordance with the career development needs. In business activities, with a focus on building long room of the East Visitor Services area operating a total area of nearly 1400 square meters, plus dining, shopping and rest functions. The shopping district, a collection of the Forbidden City development silk, glass, ceramics, lacquerware, wood, books, and hundreds of characteristics of goods.

Jianfu Palace Garden will become a rich private club "triggered strong public questioned in the last year, the National Palace Museum" 10 heavy door, side door exhibition also traced to the "illegal operation". In addition, Peking University School of Law, 3 doctors told the Forbidden City and the Ministry of Finance to submit an application is proposed to open the Forbidden City in 2008, 2009 and 2010, three years of ticket sales.

Forbidden City each year how much funding? Ticket sales, which business activities? Such issues as an aspect of the public eager to learn.

2011 ticket sales of 650 million to the state treasury to increase protection input for national financial.

Shan Jixiang said, the Forbidden City last year's ticket sales is 650 million, all of the state treasury, an annual budget in accordance with the career development needs.

He said that the Forbidden City in the future should be placed on major projects, feasibility studies and project. In fact the development of the Forbidden City, facing a large number can not wait to hard and soft demand. Such urgent need of the preparation of collections custody environment and equipment upgrade projects; urgent need of preparation the security Jifanggongcheng continue to improve the project; to improve or upgrade projects in urgent need of the preparation of the overall environment of the hospital capacity hospital appearance; urgent need of the preparation of cultural relics of the technology level of protection to enhance the project in urgent need of the preparation of the heritage collections and heritage exhibits shock projects. To name a few, there are many. These are not small projects, major projects demand.

In short, to the sustainable development of the National Palace Museum, the need for more projects reserve. For problems in solid and effective work, study and formulate the lifting scheme, the preparation of project text, do the project budget, as major projects, to fight for state financial support, making the state finance continue to increase the intensity of the Forbidden City to protect investment.