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1406 (Yongle years), the Yongle Emperor Ban Zhao capital Beijing, the order modeled on the construction, Nanjing Imperial Palace, Beijing palace.

1420 (Wing-lok, 18 years), completion of the Beijing Palace. The following year a fire broke out three temple was burned.

1441 (orthodox six years), the reconstruction of the three Hall of the Palace of Heavenly Purity.

1557 (Jiajing thirty-six years), fires in the Forbidden City, the first three Hall of Mukden door, Man Mo House, Meridian Gate were all burnt in 1561 was completely rebuilt to be completed.

In 1597 (Wanli twenty-five years), the Forbidden City, the fire, the burning of three Dian (Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall, Paul and Hall), three Palace (Palace of Heavenly Purity, Jiaotai temple, Kunning,). Reconstruction project until 1627 (Apocalypse seven) square completion.

1644 (Chongzhen 17 years), Jun Li Zicheng captured Beijing, the Ming Dynasty perished. Li Zicheng burned before the retreat of the Forbidden City, Wu Ying, only to build the very Hall, Ying Wa Temple, South smoked temple, four weeks turret and Huang did not burn very door, the other buildings were all destroyed. In the same year Shunzhi Emperor from Shenyang, moved the capital to Beijing. Since then over 14 years, Zhong Road building basic repair.

1683 (Kangxi 22 years), began to rebuild the Forbidden City to the rest of the destruction of part of the construction, completion of the Kangxi thirty-four years.

1735 (10 years), Yongzheng Gaozong Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne, after six decades of the Forbidden City to carry out large-scale additions and alterations.

Lin rate of (Jiaqing eighteen years), Tenrikyo followers rebel army to attack the Forbidden City in 1813.

1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured Beijing. Eight-Power Allied Forces in the Forbidden City parade.

In 1911, the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, the Qing emperor abdicated. However, in accordance with the special care and conditions signed with the Republic of China, still living in the Forbidden City.

1923, Jianfu Palace fire.

In 1924, launched by the warlord Feng Yuxiang, Beijing coup ", the expulsion of the Qing emperor Aixinjueluo Puyi.

1925, established on the basis of the original Forbidden City Palace Museum.

1933, the Palace Museum moved southward to escape the Japanese invasion.

In 1948, the National Palace Museum south relics parts shipped to Taiwan.

In January 1949, the stability of the Peking (Beijing), the National Palace Museum reopened.

In 1961, the State Council's approval, the Forbidden City in Beijing was designated as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection unit.

1987, Beijing Forbidden City was listed by UNESCO as World Heritage List.

In 2002, the Forbidden City in Beijing to begin a 19-year overhaul

Keep in repair

100 years after 1840, the National Palace Museum has never had major repairs.

After the founding of New China in 1949, the Palace Museum by the census for the construction of the Forbidden City, the problem exists for the Forbidden City, the implementation of the Forbidden City of ancient buildings renovation in the history of the first five years of governance and emergency planning, to fundamentally change the old community to leave the Forbidden City desolate dilapidated look to make it show a magnificent scale.

In 1973, the National Palace Museum, according to the instructions of the central authorities, to work out the second Five-Year Plan "National Palace Museum, five-year repair protection plan". The planning in addition to strengthening the renovation of ancient buildings, mainly related to install the heat pipe, cable engineering, sewage pipeline project, lightning protection devices, and many other multi-disciplinary protection program.

Beginning in 2002, the Forbidden City overhaul plan has been to continue until 2020. This stage in addition to gradually opening up some of the attractions after the repair, but also long-term office space occupied by the Forbidden City more than 1,000 staff to re-repair, when the proportion of "open area" from the current 30% to 70% .