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Many people who read the "Bird's Nest" design model is described: it is a cozy Bird's Nest with branches like steel mesh woven into a stadium that can accommodate 10 people! Used to nurture and care for life "nest" in the hands of human hope for the future.

The entire stadium structure components support each other, forming the framework of the grid, the exterior looks like a remote branches woven into the Bird's Nest, gray mineral-like steel mesh covering with transparent membrane material, which contains a soil red bowl shaped stadium bleachers. Here, the hollow in the traditional Chinese culture, the way the lines of ceramic, red, bright and warm, with the most advanced modern steel structure design perfectly blending together.

The entire building through the giant reticular Contact, no one within the column, the stands is a complete no occlusion of the bowl shape, like a huge container, giving the stadium to the incredible dramatic and unparalleled power to shock. Uniform and continuous ring will also allow the audience to get the best vision, driven by their excitement and motivate athletes to faster, higher, stronger sprint. Here, people really be given the status of the center.

Chairman of the Vetting Committee, the Chinese Academy of Engineering the Guan Zhaoye commented that this building does not have any extra processing, and all its functions to produce the image, natural unified architectural form and structural details.

The Vetting Committee and many other construction industry experts believe that, "Bird's Nest" for the 2008 Olympic Games will not only establish a unique historic landmark, but also in world architectural history of the development of groundbreaking significance, will be the 21st century building development and the world witnessed history.