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  "Bird's Nest", known as the "fourth-generation sports, the great architectural works, witness not only the humanity of the 21st century in the relentless pursuit of architecture and living environment field, also bears witness to China's ancient civilization continues to opennessthe historical process.

Open, fair and equitable

-In the global collection program, the expert review, openly soliciting the views of the community, the creation of the great architectural works

  October 25, 2002, by the Beijing Municipal People's Government and the twenty-ninth Olympic Games Organizing Committee authorization, Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning for the global collection of the 2008 Olympics main stadium - China National Stadium, the architectural concept and design.

The National Stadium is the first to enter the building design process of the Beijing Olympic venues and facilities. According to the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, the National Stadium concept design competition is divided into two phases: the first phase of the pre-qualification; second stage is a formal competition. , After a stringent prequalification deadline to November 20, 2002, and the race office has received a total of 44 renowned design institutes to provide effective pre-qualification documents to finalize the 14 design units into a formal program of race, they were from China United States, France, Italy, Germany, Australia, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Mexico and other countries and regions.

  Olympic Games not only to attract the world's greatest athletes to create the best results and attract the world's greatest architects to create the greatest works, including the world architectural design the highest award - the Pritzker Architecture Prize winner, including many of the world's most powerful design team and the most talented designers to participate in the competition. March 18, 2003, ultimately participate in the contest 13 of the furniture has extensive experience in the famous architectural design companies and design of the Commonwealth, magnificent vision to reach the ideal of China's National Stadium in Beijing. 13 design, the program of the territory of 2, 8 outside the program, the three Sino-foreign cooperative program.

  Subsequent program review, the jury of 13 authoritative by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Guan Zhao-Ye and Dutch master architect Rem Koolhaas and other entries to a rigorous evaluation repeated comparison of carefully selected after two rounds of secret ballot, the electionthree outstanding program, "Bird's Nest" program is completed by a consortium designed by Herzog & de Meuron, the Swiss design company and the China Architecture design & Research Institute, designed by China's Beijing Institute of Architectural Design independentfloating open roof "program, in cooperation with Tsinghua University, China architecture Design & Research by the Corporation of Japan Sato, a comprehensive plan designed" sky Stadium "program.

  On this basis, the jury again overwhelmingly elected the "Bird's Nest" program is the key recommendation of the implementation of the program. The "Bird's Nest" program, a total of 8 votes in favor and two votes against and two abstentions, a ticket void. In the international architectural competition, a program can get so much consensus, should be rare.

  For public comment, the contest organizational units turn all 13 design program at the Beijing International Convention Center on public display. The exhibit lasted six days, with the consent of the audience to vote 60,000. The key recommendation of the Chinese and foreign judges "Bird's Nest" program received votes in 3506, floating on the roof received votes in 3472, in order to sky Stadium won the votes of 3454, the top three. "Bird's Nest" ranked first, showing a considerable extent on the identity of the audience and the judges.

  Decision-making departments to seriously study the "Bird's Nest" was eventually identified as the main stadium of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games - China's National Stadium, the final implementation plan.

To meet Olympic requirements, emphasis on "development of the Olympic Games"

-Not only to historic buildings tectonics, but also to reflect the frugal Olympics concept, lay the foundation for the implementation of the "post-Olympic development

  Many people who read the "Bird's Nest" design model is described: it is a cozy Bird's Nest with branches like steel mesh woven into a stadium that can accommodate 10 people! Used to nurture and care for life "nest" in the hands of human hope for the future.

Indeed, the structural components of the entire stadium to support each other, forming the framework of the grid, and the exterior looks like a remote branches woven into the Bird's Nest, gray mineral-like steel mesh covering with transparent membrane material, which contains a red soil,the bowl stadium bleachers. Here, the hollow in the traditional Chinese culture, the way the lines of ceramic, red, bright and warm, with the most advanced modern steel structure design perfectly blending together.

  Amazing is that the whole building through giant reticular Contact, a column within the stands is a complete no occlusion of the bowl shape, like a huge container, giving the stadium with incredible dramatic and unparalleled shock force. Uniform and continuous ring will also allow the audience to get the best vision, driven by their excitement and motivate athletes to faster, higher, stronger sprint. Here, people really be given the status of the center.

  The more special is the  "Bird's Nest" slightly elevated outdoor terrain of the entire stadium will be a lot of ancillary facilities in the terrain below, this way to avoid under excavation by the consumption of huge investment in the edge of the slope and uplift in the outdoor plazaslowly descended, according to potential to build a warm-up venue 2000 outdoor seating, organic integration with the surrounding environment, and re-saving investment.

  Chairman of the Vetting Committee, the Chinese Academy of Engineering the Guan Zhaoye commented that this building does not have any extra processing, and all its functions to produce the image, natural unified architectural form and structural details.

  The Vetting Committee and many other construction industry experts believe that, "Bird's Nest" for the 2008 Olympic Games will not only establish a unique historic landmark, but also in world architectural history of the development of groundbreaking significance, will be the 21st century building development and the world witnessed history.

  Designed and built the "Bird's Nest" is not easy, more difficult to let "nest" in the coming days is full of vigor and vitality. According to reports, the beginning of the design of the "Bird's Nest" and deepen the process of design, has been permeated with frugal Olympics and the concept of sustainable development, to meet the Olympic function under the premise, give full consideration to the balance of the permanent facilities and temporary facilities. In accordance with the requirements of the "Bird's Nest" a total of 100,000 seats, of which 80,000 are permanent, and the 20,000 during the Olympic Games a temporary increase.

  On this basis, the design will "nest" of functions and the surrounding area in the future positioning as well as the entire city in the long-term development plan considered together. According to the planning scheme have been identified, the "Bird's Nest" Olympic Park where the central area after the game will become a collection of sports competitions, conferences and exhibitions, culture and entertainment, business and leisure shopping in one of the public center. As the Beijing Olympic Stadium "Bird's Nest" will become one of the landmark building of Beijing, will also be a considerable period of time, visit the tourism hot spots. The same time, the "Bird's Nest" in the design and construction, multi-function in space and space up and down a lot of effort in order to improve the stadium use efficiency, able to take the opening, closing, and sporting events, will also meet the fitness, business, exhibitions, perform a variety of needs, to lay a solid foundation for the successful implementation of the "post-Olympic development.

Speed up the system and mechanism innovation in the exploration

-Use of government guidance, market-oriented mode of operation, and promote the Olympic "Bird's Nest" hatched industry "golden eggs"

  As social welfare programs in the past, the stadium construction is generally invested by the government department in charge of operations, loss from financial subsidies. This led to many sports facilities, often after the completion of government subsidies long to throw off the "burden".

  Beijing's determination to "change their brains." The face of the largest-ever sports venue construction, Beijing's way of thinking of the market economy, drawing on the basis of advanced foreign experience, to speed up institutional innovation and mechanism innovation, and actively explore the "government guidance and market operation" Olympic project construction and The operating mode of operation.

  According to the plan, Beijing is responsible for the venues and related infrastructure projects, using market mechanisms to finance construction, by way of public tender to determine the project legal person, the project legal person responsible for project financing, design, construction and operation. The words of a Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee of professionals, "Olympic 'Bird's Nest' hatching industry 'golden eggs'".

  Of course the first to be built is to be held in the 2008 Olympic Games opening and closing ceremonies, the main stadium can accommodate up to 100,000 spectators. In-depth research, careful analysis, on the basis of scientific calculation, Beijing will be its construction investment is divided into two parts: the Beijing municipal government invested 58%, authorized the Beijing State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. as a contribution on behalf of; additional investment and partly by the global tender, eventually won the bid the project corporate partners funded.

  Taking into account the amount of investment the National Stadium after the match operating costs and high, in order to attract investors, Beijing opened a fairly favorable terms, in addition to Guozigongsi behalf of the Government to invest 58% in the transfer of land, demolition and other aspects are also givenpreferential policies.