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Lightning protection measures

Overlooking the Bird's Nest ", people will find that its roof is relatively flat and smooth, unlike the building roof, as the lightning rod of the rod or tower-like, there is no lightning protection zone and the like, Why is this? Is" Bird's Nest"There is no lightning protection measures?

In fact, the lightning protection design of the "Bird's Nest" is the most traditional lightning protection technology. Take full advantage of the favorable conditions of the building structure itself, the metal roof of the Bird's Nest, the steel components in steel, reinforced concrete, reinforced by welding such as effectively connected, parts of a whole "Bird's Nest" and "reinforced steel frame ideal "cage lightning protection network. Almost all the equipment inside the "Bird's Nest" and "cage lightning protection network has reliable in order to prevent injury when struck by lightning on the human body, the potential connection of the venue one can touch the parts, such as steel columns, etc., corresponding made; connectivity to ensure lightning coming instantly generate a huge current through the cage lightning protection network "into the ground, in order to maximize the guarantee that the venues themselves, equipment and personal security.

Seismic measures

"Bird's Nest" with the strength of steel is twice that of ordinary steel, China's independent innovation research and development of special steel, set of strong, flexible one, thereby ensuring the "Bird's Nest" to withstand the external forces of up to 460 MPa, still can be restored tooriginal shape, that is resistant to the Tangshan earthquake as seismic waves. Hold up the "Bird's Nest" is the most critical is the "shoulder" structure, the steel used in this part - "of Q460 steel plate thickness of 110 mm, has a good shock resistance, low temperature resistance and weldability point. To meet seismic requirements and node parts of the steel members in particular made a thicker handle bars way of linking the uniform welding, in order to increase the stiffness and strength of the structure as a whole. The roof of the "Bird's Nest" volley extraordinary momentum, support its 24 huge steel column base is spectacular and magnificent. Collection size is large and complex structures in order to ensure the "Bird's Nest" built in the 8 degree earthquake of high intensity earthquake zone to gain a firm foothold, research design to overcome the "Bird's Nest" column foot, the current specification calculation assumes that the design method is difficult to apply , for these steel column base base and rivets, riveting column foot firmly in the concrete.The column at the foot of the pile cap thickness up to 4 to 6 meters, 24 huge steel columns with 24 huge reinforced concrete baidunzi firmly linked together to hold up great "Bird's Nest".