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    According to historical records, the activities of the formal worship of heaven and earth in ancient China, dating back to 2000 BC, is still in the slavery society of the Xia Dynasty. The ancient Chinese emperor called himself "emperor" of heaven and earth reverence. Every emperor regarded the history of worship heaven and earth as a very important political activities. Worship building plays a decisive role in the imperial capital of construction will focus on manpower, material and financial resources to the highest technical level, the most perfect art to build. In the feudal society of the late construction of the Temple of Heaven, is the most representative works in the worship building. Temple of Heaven is the pearl of ancient buildings in China, the treasures of the world's architectural history. The Temple of eighteen years of Yongle (1420), Zhu Di, employment for 14 years with the Forbidden City built of heaven and earth altar. Jiajing nine years (1530) established suburbs to worship system, renamed the Temple of Heaven in Jiajing 10 years (1534). Qing Emperor Qianlong, Guangxu Emperor rebuilt rebuilt only after the formation of the pattern of the Temple of Heaven Park.
    Heaven and earth in the early Ming Dynasty was originally combined with the worship, the north and south of the rural altar, set Ji called sacrificial hall is a square of eleven buildings. Ming Dynasty Jiajing nine years (1530) to the worship of heaven and earth divided, the Circular Mound Altar in the Temple of Heaven was built, dedicated to Heaven, and the other in the northern suburbs built side Chak altar Jide, the original co-worshiping heaven and earth to the sacrificial hall, and gradually into disuse. Jiajing 19 years (1540), the original large sacrificial hall to a large Xiangdian, Rotunda began.
    Qing court after entering the pass, all based upon the old system of the Ming Dynasty. Qianlong period, strong and prosperous national strength, the Temple of Heaven Daxing project. Qianlong years (1747), the emperor decided to Temple of Heaven inside and outside wall reconstruction, change the walls to assemble packages for bricks, the middle to the top of the package build two layers of bricks. Within the altar wall of the top of the wall width is reduced to create the four feet eight inches, not Yan Zhu, become pillars of hanging eaves corridor. Alteration of the Temple of Heaven within and outside the altar wall, the more massive and comprehensive than ten years, become very magnificent landscape. The main building of the Temple of Heaven Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, Imperial Vault of Heaven and Circular Mound were also converted at this time, and has been retained so far.
    After the founding of New China, the national heritage of the Temple of Heaven a lot of money for the protection and maintenance. Gone through the vicissitudes of the Temple of Heaven for its profound cultural connotations, the grand architectural style, portrayal of ancient Eastern civilization. Temple of Heaven located in Beijing, in the southeast of Beijing, the city. In the south east, the Forbidden City, south of the city, the Zhengyangmen outside the east side. Was built in the Ming Dynasty Yongle 18 (1420). Is the land of the ancient Chinese Ming and Qing dynasties emperors Heaven. The total area of 273 hectares. The construction of the Ming and Qing emperors used to "Heaven", "Garden Valley". Tiantan (Temple of Heaven) in 1961, the State Council announced that the Temple of Heaven as a "national key cultural relics protection units. 1998 by UNESCO as "world cultural heritage ".