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   The main building of the Temple of Heaven is located within the altar, arranged in a straight line from south to north. All the palace, the altar facing south into the circle, to symbolize the day. The entire layout and architectural structures, have a unique style. Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is a place Emperor pray for bumper harvest, a three double eaves of the round hall, 38 meters high, 32.72 meters in diameter, blue glazed tile roof, brick and wood, no beam length purlin, thanks to 28 poles and 36 Fang Jue support, in the shape of the building with a high degree of artistic value.
Double altar wall of the Temple of Heaven was divided into the inner altar and outer altar, the shape of the "back". Two altar wall of the south side of the corner are all at right angles to the north side of the corners are rounded, a symbol of the hemispherical dome. Outside the altar wall perimeter of 6553 m, had only opened up in the western wall of the Garden Valley altar doors and the Circular Mound Altar door in 1949 and then gradually a new East Gate and North Gate and south of the altar Zhaoheng door changed to South door.
    4152 m within the altar wall perimeter of the Temple of Heaven, Pi six: Garden Valley altar three days the door of the east, north, west, south of the Circular Mound Altar, Thailand, Zhao Heng and Kwong Lee door. Main buildings are concentrated, including the altar, South Circular Mound Altar and Imperial Vault of Heaven Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests and Huang dry Temple in the north, between the two parts of the wall apart and using a 360 m long, 28 meters wide, 2.5 meters high Danbi Bridge (bricked corridor) connecting the Circular Mound Altar and the Garden Valley forum, constitutes a north-south axis of the inner altar.
Circular Mound Altar
    The Circular Mound Altar is the emperor held a place of heaven gift, was founded in Jiajing nine years (1530). The altar plane was circular, divided into three levels, are located to white marble fence. The altar was originally blue glazed tiles, for 14 years of Qianlong (1749) reconstruction after the switch to a hard durable leaves bluestone laid. The railings head on each engraved with cloud dragon, dragons head protruding from a stone in each railings for the drainage of the altar.
Imperial Vault of Heaven
    Imperial Vault of Heaven is located in the north of the Circular Mound Altar is dedicated to the place of the sacrificial tablets of the Circular Mound Altar, to store the licensed premises of worship of God. Founded in Jiajing nine years (1530), the beginning of Thai Shrine, Jiajing 17 years (1538) renamed the Imperial Vault of Heaven. Zhong Yan Yuan Spire building.
Garden Valley altar
    Garden Valley altar held Meng Garden Valley ceremony place, built in the Ming Dynasty Yongle 18 years (1420), the main building there is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, Wong stem Hall, what side hall, pray in the door, the kitchen god, slaughter pavilion, promenade, Garden Valley the combination of the circular altar altar altar temple construction, is established on the basis of sacrifice Emperor. "ancient house. Altar for the three-layer, 5.6 m high, the lower diameter of 91 meters, the middle 80 meters in diameter, the upper 68 m; Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is round, 38 meters high, 32.7 meters in diameter.