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    In China, the Heaven ceremony originated in the Zhou Dynasty, since the Han dynasty emperors attached great importance.
    Ming Yongle later, the annual winter solstice, the first month on the Sim Day and muong xia (the first month of summer), the emperors would come to the Temple of Heaven held the ceremony of the Heaven and the Garden Valley. If you encounter a drier year, also in the Circular Mound Altar, pray for rain. Before the ritual, usually fast. Worship, offer sacrifices, the emperor also led the officials to worship prayer, to pray for God's mercy mercy. According to historical records, the Ming and Qing dynasties, each winter solstice, the Circular Mound Heaven is one of the ancient Jiao Si main form of etiquette is extremely grand and complicated.

Every time before the advent of the memorial must be a lot of preparation, no matter how much manpower and resources-consuming, and also the expense. Such as: the Temple of Heaven within the building and its facilities, comprehensive repair. Trimmed from the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven Emperor Heaven through the streets, making it a different place. Ji 5, sent the Prince to sacrifice the look slaughter livestock to prepare for Heaven. Three days before the emperor began to fast. The first two days writing good wishes version of Zhu-Wen. Day before the slaughter of good livestock, make a good sacrifice finishing library ceremonial vessels of God; wish version of the emperor read to the Imperial Vault of incense, the Circular Mound Altar look tablets to God, the library, as the side of beans, the kitchen god, as offerings, and then back to Itsuki fast. By Chang Temple of State led the troops to worship Eve arranged god memorial tablets for offerings; club-ready band furnishings; conduct a comprehensive inspection by the Board of Rites assistant minister.
    The Circular Mound Altar dedicated to Heaven, stage housing the empty Erji, known as "Lu Ji. Heaven furnishings stress, sacrifice, and strict rules. A total of seven groups in the Circular Mound Altar tablets, each tablet are barricaded with azure satin a temporary tent of God. The upper north side of the center of the circle stone front located Theme - Grace of God of heaven memorial tablets of God tent was multilateral conical. The east and west sides of the second layer of the altar; tablets before - the moon and stars and clouds and rain, wind and thunder memorial tablets of God tent rectangular set them in jade, silk, and the whole cow, whole sheep, the whole hog and wine, fruit dishes a large number of offerings. Single bloom sacrificial utensils and used in a variety of ritual, as many as seven hundred. The upper center of the circle stone south side of the set I wish the case of the emperor-worship are located in the south of the two-tier platform. The south steps of the Circular Mound Altar east and west sides, ornamented with 16 kinds of Chimes, bells, Bo Zhong, composed of more than 60 instruments in the Shao music, arranged in neat rows, solemn and magnificent. Hour of Heaven: before sunrise seven moment, hour to Temple Chai Ming Tai Wo Zhong, emperor start off to the Circular Mound Altar, the bell only, from the sound of drums, the ceremony officially began.
Festival program
1.God of welcome Emperor
2.Lay the instruments of peace
3.Into the ZU
4.Line early gift
5.Traveling Asia gift
6.Line end gift
7.Withdrawal of dishes
8.Send Emperor God
9.Wang Liao
    Heaven worship, is a feudal emperor to show the idea of "divine right of kings", showing a trick play in the divine authority of the emperor. In order to achieve the purpose of their right to preach God to the maintenance of imperial power, the requirements of the staff lost Heaven thing, without any errors, otherwise, it should be severely punished. Therefore, where with the festival staff are all fear, frightened. Such as Qianlong April the sixth, forty-seven years, he went to the Circular Mound Altar hold regular yu ceremony seeking winter rains, there are three things to make his dissatisfaction with the punishment of some officials. A result, the minister of works Luoyuan Han the, Shilang Nuomu pro, rites De Paul, assistant Deming, etc., were dismissed. In particular, Industry assistant minister Xu performance most heavily punished, dismissed after the exiled Xinjiang.