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Public Service
   As required by Beijing Municipal Government, the post-Olympic operation of Bird's Nest should be oriented to the society, the mass and the public interests. The Bird's Nest is to carry forward the value of public service and promote public welfare by undertaking social obligations, appealing for goodwill efforts and holding non-profit activities so as to build up its brand image and create a favorable social environment.
    Now and for the future, centered on the theme of being "Humanistic, Green and Hi-Tech", the Bird's Nest will further promote public service by establishing strategic and closer cooperation with governments and NGOs in the fields of sports, culture, environmental protection and social welfare. In so doing, the Bird's Nest aims to enhance the progress of sports culture among young people and the greater mass, encourage environmental protection and show greater concern for disadvantaged groups including the poor, homeless and disabled. Furthermore, on the strength of its brand influence and venue resources, the Bird's Nest plans to hold a number of events for public welfare together with the media. With the participation of the general public and especially the youth, the Bird's Nest will spare no effort to build such image as "being public-oriented and society-oriented". In this way, it will be capable of attracting wider attention to social welfare, passing on the idea of "public good" and inspiring people's enthusiasm to contribute to the cause.
Past Activities
    By hosting competitions for public welfare purpose and carrying out various featured activities, the Bird's Nest incorporates the concept of "fitness for all" into its day-to-day operation.
    The National Stadium vigorously participates in the efforts to nurture China's sports industry, develop a sound environment for youth sports, and promote the healthy development of public sports; and by hosting sports events for public welfare purpose in a bid to strengthen friendly exchanges between different cities and countries, it also helps realizing the goal of establishing Beijing as an international sports city.
    July 20, 2011 - "Bird's Nest Cup" Youth Mind Sports Games
    October 23-24, 2010 - "Bird's Nest Cup" National Interesting Track and Field Sports for Children
    July 27, 2010 - "Passing on Love" charity sports meeting
    July 25-30, 2010 - International Youth Football Invitational Tournament of "Bird's Nest Cup"
    May 4-13, 2010 - Youth Football Invitational Tournament of "Bird's Nest Cup"
Cooperation for Public Welfare
    Bird's Nest, on the strength of its brand influence and venue resources, has held a number of events for public welfare together with the media. With the participation of the general public and especially the youth, the Bird's Nest has spared no effort to build such image as "being public-oriented and society-oriented". By doing so, it has attracted wide attention to social welfare, passed on the idea of "public good" and inspired people's enthusiasm to contribute to the cause. Non-profit organizations from any circle of the society and of any kind are welcome to cooperate with Bird's Nest.