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Water source heat pump system
     The Beijing Olympic Aquatic Park to the use of groundwater resources, water source heat pump to meet the stadium heating and cooling needs. Water source heat pump system is based on groundwater as a heat source, water source heat pumps, shallow geothermal energy collection system and air-conditioning system of heating and cooling systems in buildings.
     Compared with the traditional central air conditioning, water source heat pump central air conditioning system has many advantages. The first is environmental protection, the air-conditioning chemical reactions and pollution emissions; followed by energy-saving, high energy efficiency. The same time, the system requires no cooling tower, boiler room, low running costs, in addition to be completed by cooling, but also provide domestic hot water heating tasks. The water park project in the still water boathouse, the main grandstand, two water source heat pump room, boathouse for hydrostatic, hydrodynamic boathouse, as well as the main grandstand and other buildings cooling, heating, domestic hot water.
     In addition to air conditioning systems, the venue is also a large number of renewable energy and energy-efficient lighting technology. The venue lighting from the 150 solar photovoltaic street lights. Solar photovoltaic street light application of single crystal silicon can not be counter-current, the storage of solar photovoltaic technology, energy conservation, but also to reduce emissions, protect the environment, and 15 years maintenance-free.
The freedom to enjoy the Olympic competition within the natural oxygen bar
Beijing Olympic Rowing-Canoeing Park, the surface area of 635,000 square meters, green area of 580,000 square meters, greening rate of over 82%, coupled with the green on the surrounding area, making it a truly natural oxygen bar. Less outdoor venues, natural sort of indoor binding here, the audience can do is enjoy the enjoyment of the game.
    Venues within the green area of 580,000 square meters, greening rate over 82%.
    The main grandstand is located in the the hydrostatic Division track the West Bank, close to the end of the tower, the 1200-seat permanent grandstand and 2800 temporary seats, temporary bleachers, sitting here, the scene glance of the athletes sprint finish. In the east coast of the track, will build a temporary spectator stand that can accommodate 11,000 people. In addition to sell 10,000 stations.
     As the track more than 2000 meters, no matter where you sit, in order to see the whole tournament was a very difficult task. But do not worry, during the race, there will be specialized vessels carrying professional commentators tracking the game, they will be the scene of each individual in a timely manner the situation of the broadcast arena, wonderful reviews. Around the stadium will also establish a multi-block large-screen display, and through these displays, the audience can clearly understand the whole process of the game.
     Compared with the flatwater racing Canoe Competition and more dynamic. The hydrodynamic District is located in the southwest area of the water park. The track was the ring settings, a total length of 515 meters. 12 000 temporary seats along the outside of the game waterways arc settings. Sitting above vision, you can watch most of the area inside the stadium.
Slalom the hydrostatic venue set as one
     Olympic Rowing-Canoeing Park, located in Beijing for the first time creative the Division of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic Division into the same arena that are within tens of meters, both for the convenience of the athletes, but also reduces the cost, but also laid the foundation for post-Games use , has multiple purposes.
     As early as the beginning of the design, the designers of the stadium came past Olympic venues site visits. After the inspection, hydrostatic Division and hydrodynamic Division built in unequal distances apart of the two venues will cause inconvenience to some extent, to the athletes, and the construction cost than the construction with higher In line with the spirit of frugal Olympics and scaling the heights of the spirit of innovation and a bold idea in the mind of the designer - with moving water area and hydrostatic District.
     Slalom venue and hydrostatic site apart so close to the region, organic combination of mobility had a strong hydrostatic and hydrodynamic does not interfere with each other, no easy task. In order to solve the problem of mutual interference of hydrostatic and hydrodynamic, the designers a lot of simulation and calculation to solve this problem, and ultimately by the Division of the relative position of the planning and waterways.
     Today, the condensation of the crystallization of the wisdom of countless people, the world's only set Slalom and Flatwater venue as one of the Olympic venues have been completed into the actual construction drawings.