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Inferior soil turning waste into treasure
    Within two years, Shunyi District, Beijing sunny gate east side of Chaobai River was originally a barren flood, has become the third largest gold producing areas in the Beijing Olympic Games, the picturesque paradise of water sports - the world's only set of hydrostatic venues and slalom venue in one of the Olympic venues. More valuable is that throughout the process, the wise Beijingers 200 Articles inferior soil to become available for use of the soil, the balance of the use of the venue, no outward transport the party to soil.
    Need to excavation stadium built in a flood on the ground, a total of 200 Articles. These 200 Articles earth all flood land, the ground floor of silty sand are basically construction waste.
    Inevitable in the construction process, taking into account the use to the soil, its transport shipped increased construction costs, it would be better turning waste into wealth, this poor-quality soil of 200 Articles in the stadium internal digestion. As a result, builders and designers of the venues in around 200 Articles soil start of the article. Early last year, the mountain finally succeeded.
    Soil to achieve internal balance of the site by building the stadium landscape engineering, green internal digestion, is not transported out of the party inferior soil, and also greatly reduced construction costs.
Zero discharge of wastewater
    Beijing is a relatively water-scarce cities, Beijingers cherish more water. The Beijing Olympic Aquatic Park a total storage capacity of nearly 2 million cubic meters of surface area has reached 635,000 square meters. Now have been able to zero-emission race when sewage.
    The stadium's water is stagnant, do not have the natural cycle of purification conditions, rely on overtime pay and change the water to keep the water, the cost is incalculable. Investment of more than 3000 million in order to maintain water quality and reduce the huge change water resources and associated costs, the Beijing Olympic Water Park, the key technologies of the water environment to maintain the presence of the region to establish an underground track the water cycle station.
    This will result in part of the sewage water cycle processing system to track water treatment system itself recoil purification. To clean this part of the sewage treatment system in the circuit water circulation side of the construction of tail water treatment station, specifically on the circulatory system recoil sewage purification treatment, the treated water will be used for watering, settling down The sludge will be used as fertilizer.
    To take full advantage of every drop of water, in addition to track the water cycle processing system, the water park is still water planning, track seepage, rainwater recycling and the use of careful consideration to all aspects of the drainage systems.
    In the water, drinking water, domestic water, recycled water, water in accordance with high quality and high low-quality low-use "water principle, the implementation of the quality of water supply, domestic water by the municipal water supply network, drinking water drinking water treatment by the end of the straight device processing, green water of a large number of water supply, will be collected rain water and sewage treatment again Toshimichi.
    In afforestation, breeding drought-tolerant plants, and irrigation central computer control system, automation of the management of irrigation systems. Set according to the specific plant and soil water demand programming, the whole process of automatic irrigation, water-saving efficiency up to 30%.
    It is through this big to small, all aspects of measures, each drop of water here has been properly utilized to protect this precious water resources, to achieve zero discharge of wastewater.
Olympic Water Park to achieve zero discharge of wastewater
July 28, 2007, the Beijing Shooting Range Hall and Beijing Olympic Water Park held the acceptance of delivery of the ceremony. These two venues will not only usher in the "Good Luck Beijing" series of events and services for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games after the Olympic Games will also be a mass leisure and cultural facilities, and the Beijing Olympic Water Park is a beautiful scenery water sports leisure bases.
    As an aquatic leisure venues, the Olympic Aquatic Park not only the design inspiration from the water, more water games and recreational conditions, but more is worth mentioning that the Water Park is also full use of every drop of water to achieve zero discharge of wastewater .
Design inspiration comes from the water
    As a water sports competition venues, the Olympic Rowing-Canoeing Park in Beijing inspiration also comes from the water: Water is the source of human life, hydrophilic natural human pursuit. Water sports to provide mankind with playing with water, fighting with the water, but also to show the human courageously forward, the spirit of excellence. Also suggest that how people value and take full advantage of the valuable water resources, how symbiotic coexistence with water.
Water quality monthly purification time
    "Water Park in the design of the most difficult is how to keep track water quality." As the venue chief architect, chief architect of the Beijing Tianhong Elements Design Institute Dan said. He told reporters that the stadium's water is stagnant water, do not have the natural cycle of the cleaning conditions, if you rely on replenishment and change the water to maintain water quality, the cost is incalculable. Finally, the designers had an idea to come up with to get through the hydrostatic area and hydrodynamic, hydrodynamic zone the entire track of the water cycle "power".