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The Modern Olympics is not only a sports competition. It has become an international gathering in which the host country is able to exhibit its society, culture, science, technology and entertainment. After the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the National Aquatics Center will become a multi-functional international center, providing enjoyment for all who visit.

Here customers will be able to enjoy world-class matches and performances, delicious food, and games and recreation with the characteristics of the Water Cube. They can also buy special merchandise in department stores and theme shops.

Introduction to multi-functional zones

Water World

The Water World is located in the south area of the Water Cube. It brings freshness, excitement, mystery and happiness to families.

Beauty and Health

The Beauty and Health area is located in the north part of the Water Cube. Its focus is on fashion, health and revitalizing the body.


Located in the north area of Water Cube, the spa features state-of-the-art equipment, facilities and techniques in a relaxing environment.

Theme Restaurant and Bar

The Theme Restaurant and Bar is a healthy eating and drinking area that has the characteristics of the Water Cube. This area includes Paopao bar, aquatic internet café, water theme restaurant, Tao bar and a book bar, among other things.

Shopping Area

The Shopping Area is located in the middle of the Water Cube. Here visitors can find Water Cube merchandise, information about the history of the Water Cube and Olympic swimming and information about fashion and entertainment.