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Construction technology
    The membrane structure is one of the main forms of the 21st century the most representative of a new architectural forms has become the building of large-span space. Set architecture, structural mechanics, fine chemicals, materials science and computer technology as a whole, the construction of the iconic form of spatial structure, it not only reflects the structure of the power of the United States, has fully demonstrated the idea of the architect, and enjoy the big natural romantic space. Architectural design in the 2008 Olympic Games, the membrane structure application to be the perfect embodiment.

    The "Water Cube" is the world's largest membrane structure building envelope with the world's most advanced environmental protection and energy saving of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) membrane materials. National Stadium project contracting, general manager Tan Xiaochun said the life of this material for more than 20 years, but the actual than this long, people can step on it to walk, I feel a special stick. Only three companies in the world to complete the structure of this membrane.

    "Water Cube" The overall construction of more than 3000 air pillow, air pillow sizes and shapes, covering an area of 100,000 square meters, called the world. In addition to the ground outside, the appearance of membrane structure. A successful installation of the air pillow will become a "bubble" through pre-installed in a steel frame on the inflatable pipeline inflation, the entire inflation process is monitored by computer intelligence, and according to the prevailing air pressure, light conditions, such as the "bubble" to maintain the best state.

    This membrane material like bubble-filled "self-cleaning function, the surface of the film is basically non-stick dust. Dust, natural precipitation is sufficient to make clean as new. In addition, the membrane material has good resistance to stress, people in the above "play trampoline no problem," normal put a car will not be crushed. If the outer membrane rupture, and contingency plans within eight hours damaged the outer membrane of repaired or replacement. "Water Cube" crystal clear coat above is also dotted with numerous white bright spot, known as the plating point, they can change the direction of the light, play the insulation of the effect of astigmatism.

    "Water Cube" is the world's largest membrane structure, addition to the ground outside, the appearance using a membrane structure --- of ETFE material, the blue surface unexpectedly soft but very fulfilling. National Stadium project contracting, general manager Tan Xiaochun said the life of this material for more than 20 years, but the actual than this long, people can step on it to walk, I feel a special stick. Only three companies in the world to complete the structure of this membrane.

    "Taking into account the energy efficiency standards of the venues, the membrane structure with a strong thermal insulation; In addition, the repair of this structure is very convenient, for example, a gun or something sharp poked computer monitor will automatically show up if broken a hole, just one with stickers on the list; membrane structure is also very lightweight and has a good self-cleaning, the dust is not easy to stick to the above, the dust can be discharged with the rain. "said Tan Xiaochun, the membrane structure itself has a function of drainage and sewage as well as dehumidification and anti-fog function, especially the anti-condensation feature is particularly important for swimming.

    In addition, the "Water Cube" an area of 7.8 hectares, but did not use a steel bar, a concrete. Its walls and ceiling are connected together with a fine steel pipe, with 12000 nodes. Only 2.4 mm thick membrane structure air pillow like a skin wrap the entire building, air pillow one of the largest of about 9 square meters, the smallest one is less than one square meter. Compared with the glass, it can through into more sun and air, allowing the pool to keep the thermostat, can save 30%.

Plug material
    "Water Cube" is not only a beautiful and complex building, she was able to stimulate the people's inspiration and enthusiasm to enrich people's lives, providing people with the carrier of memory. Therefore, the design makes use of the decorative effect of the water, but also to use its unique microstructure. Using the entire building inside and outside layer wrapped ETFE (ethylene - tetrafluoroethylene copolymer) is a lightweight new materials with effective thermal properties and light transmittance can adjust the indoor environment, winter insulation, summer heat, but also avoid building structures by the erosion of the internal environment of the swimming center. Even more amazing was that the ETFE film has a hole, do not have to be replaced, simply marked with a patch, it will heal itself over time will be reinstated!

    The architectural membrane structure, the use of a PTFE membrane, which is a fibrous material, is characterized by opaque, but the use of technology is more mature. "Water Cube" ETFE film, which is a transparent film, to bring more natural light for a venue. Theoretical research in the domestic structure of this film is almost blank.

    2006 World Cup in Germany one of the main stadium of the Munich Allianz Arena also uses ETFE air pillow external walls, but compared with the Water Cube, the difference is, the Allianz Arena in Germany, air pillow covers an area of 60000 square meters, and the water Cube reached 100,000 square meters; Allianz Stadium is a single-layer air pillow and regular arrangement of the water Cube is a double-layer air pillow, and almost the same shape as the two air pillow.

    In accordance with the design, the mask structure of Water Cube inside and outside the legislature by the 3065 air pillow (1-2 square meters, the largest up to 70 square meters), covering an area of 100,000 square meters, expand the area of 260,000 square meters, is the world's largest membrane structure, and is the only one entirely by the membrane structure to be fully enclosed large public buildings. Regardless of design or construction, is a great challenge, materials, ventilation and air conditioning, fire protection, sound, light, electric control technology of ETFE film has a very difficult subject.