Attration Category

Today, three thousand strong Kau-ton wharf has been built, the natural harbor of Ningbo City and marine base, but the Pavilion Village sites, ancient buildings and four Ming and Qing Ping Road Hospital alone, small temples and other monuments still intact Putuo.

Come here to travel, can be sent nostalgia, appreciation of the beauty of sea and sky, the good taste of seafood products, make a return does not come off between the celestial worries

History: This is an ancient and mysterious island. As early as the Han Dynasty to the hub of sea lanes so is designed to land odd oyster pavilion. To the Northern Song to his wife Mei Lin Bu Tsuruko as partners actually interested in this land, built a four floor gossip solitary image of Taiji Gong.

To the Ming Dynasty, there has emerged a mirage door, thus the entire Hai Yu also named mirage sea.

Strong Kau Islands, located in the tail of Xiangshan Port, strong Kau territory of the town. The entire archipelago of 12 islands, an area of less than 2 square kilometers.


Ningbo to strong Kau, Central Station or the South Bus Station by bus Banan to Ninghai Meilin, transfer, or motor vehicle that is up to the local CMB strong Kau pier, boat sit.

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25 yuan (including the boat fee)