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October fifth day of the end of the street in Coloane, with China very close to the small Hengqin. The temple was built Tongzhi years, more than a century ago, is the height of the temple incense Coloane. Tam Kung is said children are often the embodiment of manifestation, is regarded as patron saint of fishermen, subject to its incense and worship. Also, according to records, Tam Kung, "coming out of each rod to fulfill, along with a tiger," this temple walls are painted tiger.

Tan Sin temple dedicated to Saint addition, the more equipped with a boat made from the whale bone carving, is a heritage of history has been more than a century. Equipped with wooden faucet, Shan, banners, Luo umbrellas, drums, and torsion Shaogong other hand, a gift for the fishermen. It is said that touched whaleBone will be OK good luck, so the ordinary devout men and women after the pilgrimage will be touched by the way the keel.

There is a temple side of the nearly two hundred years through the "crossing the ring Ledan spoke" monument, recording the history of local civil administration. Eighth day of the lunar calendar Tam Kung Festival in April, many Hong Kong and Macao residents to come into the prayer, take the greenhouse perform Cantonese operas.


Central to the way any coach can be to the city, such as 25. To the Road, Central City, about 5 minutes while walking along the coast to the end is.