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Tourist guide
Guanzhi Shan ("tai" sound zhài) as a national key scenic spots, is located 1.5 kilometers east of county Citylink. This is a sharply from the ground of the towering mountain, its peak like giant crown, hence the name "Guan Zhi." Guanzhi Shan Shan Jun Shi Qi, Yuan Wang To put the lotus, also known as lotus. It was together with the Wuyi Mountain, and known as the "North Yinan Zhi, Danxia Shuangjue."

The most valuable hand-written with Lin when the horizontal tablet board Guanzhi Shan "Jiangzuo romantic" within the existing cottage on the Dongshan; there Qianlong Ji Xiaolan any celebrities Admiral College, Fujian, inscribed, "Follow the old Dongshan"Manuscript.

In particular, if climbing from the front, then boarded hundred meters gentle slope, you can see a branch of the centuries-old pines Qiu Jin Gang Shan stand, and that is the most famous one Guanzhi Shan welcoming pine . In fact, Guan Zhishan throughout the ancient pines, but the war by the late Qing Dynasty, "Great Leap Forward" Deforestation steel and the "Cultural Revolution" cutting of trees destroyed during the chaos, Guan Zhishan almost bald mountain, because the long remaining Fengyun old pine on the cliff survived less than the cut. Qiu Jin';s branches and its attitude Tingbo the joy and beauty. Songnam face in welcoming six columns a few meters there is a pavilion, where visitors can staticTour welcoming song of grace.


Longyan car arrived from the Citylink bus station, about 30 yuan, travel 2.5 hours to get off can take the motorcycle after the arrival Guanzhi Shan, usually 3 yuan / person, tricycle 5 yuan / person, 15-20 per taxi.


Tickets: 60 yuan / person. Hours :8:00-17: 00 tips:Tickets bought in the hillside.