Attration Category

Located in the Jiu Huajie North, and the adjacent Chinese Tien Temple. Qing Emperor Kangxi ordered dormitory for the Huacheng Si East, one of the existing hall, gate house, and several Buddhist temple, for the residential-style Courtyard.

Since 1992, the abbot of the temple renovation Nepal Hui Lin, the new plastic Buddha statues, incense malpractice. Her diligent practice, Jide doing good, love life, since 1995, has picked up in the temple in front of 11 abandoned babies, including members of the baby names, baby girl 10. Her meticulous care, toil day and night, making inquiries parents. 1 is led away by their parents who adopt a child 7 give it away, the temple there are 3 people. Most of these children have a destination, a clever LingLi, Hui Lin often to visit the temple, considered her a "master mother."