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Scholar rocks scenic spot is located in the northern suburb of Changxing village of taining County, 11.7 km in urban area, qingxi mutually dependent on and. According to county records, during the Southern Song Qingyuan, juvenile Zou Yinglong reading this (Qingyuan champion in two years, at the age of 25), later generations said it read Department of scholar rocks. From half a kilometre and a pipa of scholar rocks rocks, is Ming DAO Xian Xing Dexing cultivation at all.

This area's landscape, Danya overhanging rock, Mao lin tree, quiet strange hole, the waterfall flow Springs, beautiful scenery xianjue, there are numerous Kawasemi. From Humanities landscape, it disseminated a strong Confucian and Taoist culture. As a generation at the reading of famous official Zou Yinglong, scholar of Confucian culture on the rocks and rivers deep imprint, have had many legends, later generations considered education effort for education for the children of the Holy land.

In August 1999, scholar rocks development to visit scenic spots, champion Valley, Hulu days, five toes, smell great rock, birdsong Brook, seven community 85 major features. Scholar rocks scenic accommodation: Gold Lake of taining apartment address of post and telecommunications: taining County dongzhou development zone.