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Abdallah is a "Po Lo" in transliteration, meaning Buddha';s Palace residence. Founded in the 7th century, Tibet Zao Songtsan the Tang dynasty princess marrying built. The Potala Palace has been destroyed earlier, today people see is the Qing Dynasty architecture, since the 17th century, the result of continued expansion of Dalai.

Potala Palace is located in the center of Red Hill in Lhasa, the highest elevation of 3767.19 meters, is the world';s highest ancient palace. From the foot of the entrance to the top, a total of 900 stone steps. Potala Palace by the Red Palace, the White House two major components, the Red Palace center, across the White HouseWings, red and white, floor, overlapping group, is set palaces, castles, towers and hills in one of the magnificent temple architecture.

Potala Palace, the collection and preservation of historical relics have a large number of pagodas, statues, wall paintings, Thangka, Scriptures, and that the history of the Tibetan local government and the central government of the Ming and Qing emperors between the Dalai Lama bestowed Gold Book, jade books, golden seal and gold and silver, jade, porcelain, enamel and process curios and so on.

Recommend this toilet, even if you do not intend going to the toilet may also wish to get a look, read you can understand the Shajiao abyss.

For the history of the Red PalaceLai temple and the temple pagoda, located in the center of the Potala Palace and the highest point. Pagoda which was undoubtedly the most Dalai huge 12.6 meters-high, high three, there are 16 Genzhu. Tower wrapped in gold, said to have 3721 kg, the tower surface inlaid with various precious stones have on many million pieces, priceless.

White House, the Winter Palace of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan local government also offices, a total of 7 floors, including 4 layers of the "complete silence the east hall," the White House';s largest temple, the Dalai Lama is enthroned, Chikamasa hall, etc. major religious activities. 5,6 floor is office and living space, 7 layer is twoDalai Lama';s Winter Palace, also known as East and West solar house.

Gyatso is the history of Tibet the central position of the most controversial figure, is the only one not in the cloth house pagoda Dalai Lama. Positions 1697 16 enthronement ceremony was central Gyatso as the Dalai. But he also aspire to the lives of ordinary people, often make the eviction, enjoying worldly pleasures. He is a great spiritual leader is also a romantic poet, his poems contagious. This is also a maverick who will not be tolerated for the secular, in the ninth year after his enthronement, for not abiding by laws and regulations to be waste, exile and was killed duringWhen he was only 25 years old.

Treasures from the Museum (currently closed) is a three-storey building, located at the foot of the Potala Palace in Syracuse. Treasures from the Museum exhibition will be divided into "Shihaigouchen" and "Palace of Tibetan treasures," both part of the eight units, a total of approximately 200 artifacts and photos sets.

Note: enter the red, white palace are not allowed to take pictures of two, into the palace can not wear a hat and sunglasses, can not bring liquids into the (top ten dollars a bottle shop on sale of mineral water.)

Visit Potala Palace, the current red, white Lianggong be from the east gate (Puncog multi Lang) to enter, route have more stringent requirements, tours1 hour time limit, no time for individual requirements.

In the eyes of many tourists, this hillside, large-scale construction is not only a palace, it is a totem of people';s minds. It represents a distant mystery, the power of faith and the whole of Tibet, as to whether the "World Heritage List", but no less important.


Potala Palace in Lhasa city, from tourists to stay focused on Beijing East Road, within walking distance, taxi 10 yuan, tricycles 5Element to arrive at.


Tickets are 100 yuan. Season (5-10 months) 1 day in advance to receive an identification card Simon booking tickets, reservation tickets on day 2 of the subject based on time (20 minutes ahead) from the main entrance (south gate) into the ticket to visit a day, limited to 2300 tickets Zhang.

Addition to holidays and major events, the Potala Palace is open to visitors daily 9:00-16:00. Shot on the Chakpori Potala Palace, is the best angle.