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Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street is with the construction and people';s pilgrimage to the monastery formed and developed, dating back over 1,300 years of history. 7th century, King Songtsan Gambo Lake ordered the construction of the Jokhang Temple Church lay, while the four palaces built around the lake, which is the Barkhor four earliest palace building.

Jokhang Temple is completed, attracted a large number of pilgrims to worship, falling gradually take a path around the Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street is the original. Around the temple family gradually built 18 buildings for pilgrims and merchants who came all the way to provide accommodation. After the 15th century, with the religious status of the Jokhang TempleDeepening, Tibetan Buddhism, clockwise around the Jokhang Temple acts as the center "turning", expressed within the Sakyamuni Buddha enshrined in the Jokhang Temple worship, Barkhor Street in Lhasa as one of the three major turning road.

Lhasa, turning the traditional way with three along the Jokhang Temple hall a week for a small forward, along the Barkhor Street around the transit along the Lin Kuo Road, turn around for large (about ten kilometers), the three turn by the way, have to address Muni Buddha image for the center.

Barkhor Street in Lhasa city retains the original style, the streets paved with stone polished by hand, next to the preservation of old buildings hidden room. Middle of the street there is a giant incense burner, smoke day and nightFire spread. Both sides of streets of shops, a bronze Buddha, turning the cylinder, butter lamps, prayer flags flags and other religious articles, Pulu, skins, harness, snuff bottles, Tibetan daggers and other daily necessities, Thangka painting, Tibetan carpets and other hand handkerchief crafts. In addition, sooner or later followers around the Jokhang Temple in a clockwise direction by turning it became an important folk cultural landscape.

Tips: Barkhor walk walk clockwise as far as possible, out of respect for Tibetan Buddhism.

The famous Barkhor Street (Bajiaojie) is some street around the Jokhang Temple, the eyes of the visitors that he is a famous shopping street of small commodities, and in the eyes of Tibetans it is the traditional TibetanTurning of the road. On a cruise in the Barkhor, even if not to buy things, take a look at the side of the marketplace in Lhasa is also a very interesting thing.

Here you can enjoy authentic Tibetan food.


Beijing East Road from the city center or walk.