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Drepung in Tibetan as "rice together", a symbol of prosperity. Half of the building covered hillside, like a huge heap of rice, hence the name Drepung. The year 1416 down by the disciples of Tsongkhapa, the central music kit. Tashi Beidan built, Tsongkhapa had personally presided over the opening ceremony.

Drepung Monastery is located in the western suburbs of Lhasa, the root Pei Wuzi mountain, from afar, the black mountain, surrounded by a large group of white buildings stand out starkly in the sunlight. Built in 1416 AD, the temple is the temple of the Yellow Sect of the six largest one.

Phodrang Gan known to have a high level in one place. Phodrang Gan front door of a small Buddhist temple, which houses the Fifth Dalai Lama';s clothes. Phodrang Gan 3 layers, each window has planted many flowers. Here was one to the place where the fifth Dalai Lama. Fifth Dalai Lama was in charge of local government, in the Potala Palace after the completion of construction and demolition, he officially moved to the Potala Palace. As the Dalai Lama is willing to establish Phodrang regime, so called the "Gan Phodrang dynasty."

Chin measure the main hall is the Drepung Monastery building. Monju, like the middle of the big hall and white canopy as extremely delicate. Drepung Monastery where the main religion for a material - D-triton. This is the Drepung Monastery inNew ground-breaking when Tsongkhapa from the "profile cloth Hill Law Library," excavated a conch, gift disciples Tashi Pandan, Temple wished him every success, and as a base, promote Buddhism, the widespread construction of temples . Tashi Pandan disciples it the gift of respect for the Buddha Temple treasure, treasure in the Temple. Behind the hall is the practice of the year Dan Tashi cleanroom spot.

Shoton sun behind the Buddha at the Drepung Monastery at the root Pei Wuzi mountain, will be hung out a height of 30 meters, 20 meters wide and a huge Buddha image, is said this is the world';s largest Thangka Therefore, a distance more to see panoramic views. Shoton whole day drying Buddhist ceremony began at eight, rolled ThangkaBy monks carried the Buddha from the temple at the escort to the sun, such as Thangka all started, we went to Doncaster the following start of Mt. Such a spectacle people feel the power of faith and religion. Shoton specific time is fixed calendar year, roughly around the end of 8.


Can take a taxi to the city from Lhasa, to the foot of 20 yuan, 30 yuan to the mountains. Can also take the 301 road from the city, or 302 to reach the foot of the CMB, and sometimes there CMB or truck passenger foot mountain, 1 yuan / person. Such as walking uphill, takes about half an hour. Can play together with Naiqiong Temple.


Tickets are 50 yuan, Tibetans free. October 20 each year to the next April 20 the implementation of 25 per season ticket.

Opening hours 9:00 am-17: 00.