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Huangshan Weather

54F ~ 64F
Overcast To Cloudy
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   Emerald Valley --- the Shooting Place of the Oscar Film "Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon".

   Emerald Valley also named "Lover's Valley" is about 6km long, along which lie more than 100 emerald ponds in different shapes. Among them there are 40 bigger ones that are as large as 30 meters wide, while the smallest one is only like a horse--hoof.

   Emerald Valley stretches upstairs as a ladder. As the sunlight changes its angle, the scenes of the ponds will appear colorful, crystal or emerald, just like many emerald jades spread over the valley. So the valley got its name. If you choose to walk in the nighttime, the shadows of light, water and the people will become one. Ponds and the pools in the night may give you a hint of love. Lovers always choose to forget their way back.