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    Second door of the Military Academy, formerly , it's a primary school gate at the end of the Qing dynasty. building is typical of the South. It difference of the big door , two construction styles.

    The main campus building area of 1060 square meters, two layers of brick and wood, the three main channels, four row houses. In the North-South axis on both sides, the room arranged consistent forms , and symmetric to each other. Corridor connecting between four row houses, surrounded by a fence. Building quiet and elegant, self-contained.

    Floor,called " big flower hall " at that time, used as an auditorium in the early days, meetings are often held between teachers and students. Patio has  two seat Lotus pool, aromatic flower season each year so elegant.  When after school, many students at the side of the pool to watch the Lotus, chat cheerfully friends. Then pond water through Pearl River, tide bulge, tide back, have some poetic.

    The main campus consists of the political, professors, and training. Which of the Political Department in charge of the school of political education, party affairs and propaganda. Our respected Premier Zhou is the Huangpu in the year of the first phase of the third Director of the political Department.

    This part consists of six, a Professor of politics, training department. Department in charge of political education, school party and propaganda. Our respected Premier Zhou is the Huangpu in the year of the first phase of the third Director of the political Department. Because they didn't do a good job,  Party representative Liao Zhongkai decided to invite Zhou en-Lai for this job.Since then, the Department look brand new, lively. The establishment of the Party and of the Political Department is one of the hallmarks of the new Military Academy.Comrade Mao Zedong's later had fully endorsed the Military. Academy system, he said, when the military establishment of the Party of Political Affairs, which is none in Chinese history. Rely on this system, the military take on an entirely new look. After 1927, the Red Army, today is eighth route army, is the inheritance and development of this system. Marshal Nierongzhen was working in the Department of Political Affairs served as Secretary and instructor of the year. Opposite the staff quarters, , is the place where instructors to rest.

    The President's Office and the prime minister's office is located upstairs. The President's Office is the Chiang Kai-shek's office and a place to rest, the furnishings inside are the original appearance of recovery. Frist phase student list is posted on the wall, including name, origin, age, reviews, etc. President Chiang Kai-shek personally fill in comments  . Every day at noon, President Chiang Ching-kuo has found several students questioned, talk, will learn about the situation, wrote to comment on.Room is next door to the headmaster's Secretary of Chinese and English.The secretary assisted principals to handle daily files, is responsible for the translation information , and so on. Zhang Jiarui is the Chinese secertary, Wang Dengyun is English Secretary . The principals Office can be said to be party representative Liao Zhongkai's Office. Party representative Liao Zhongkai has several roles, and he was not in school every day, him to military school, office and rest here.

    Military Academy with newspapers reading room, is where the student's extracurricular reading, reading a newspaper, sometimes in various political activities here. Military also has a students ' dormitory, dining hall, exhibition room, etc. Poor dormitory conditions, simple facilities, students get up at 5 o'clock every day, 9:30 P.M. go to bed to turn off the lights. Dormitory's interior is very strict with the student , if the student  is not doing well, will be "restriction" punishment. The so-called restriction, is not allow into the city on Sunday. Strict with students in military schools, is also very much concerned about the life and growth of students. Liao party representatives often care for student , and use the poor standard Mandarinto talk with student .