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Shenzhen Weather

81F ~ 90F
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Nanao lies in the very South of Dapeng Peninsular, faces Dayawan in the east. It confronts Pingzhou Island in Hong Kong, from which is about 1 km. The town has been a small fishing village with traditional local custom. It is a pleasant district to wander and explore. The atmosphere is lively and vibrant as the fish arrives in huge nets from ships and is thrown onto the docks and most of the residents here survive on the income they make from the sea. The beach here is pleasant too and the bay looks over to Hong Kong only 1,000 meters across the water. When twilight comes, people enjoy the most beautiful sunset and sing their fishing song on the seashore. You can take a good view of some small islands near here by renting speed boat. There are many seafood restaurants in town. It is fun to carry your bag pack and wander in the streets of tradition and culture of the natives. Nanao holds the region annual dragon boat festival races. About 1.5 km form Shell Bay Resort.