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It was said that in Three Kingdoms, the prime minister's son who lived the Kangju State in the Western Regions called Hui. He didn't love riches and honour and forgo the mundane world. He was determined to be a monk, and people called him "Kangsenghui". KangSengHui was adhering to the Buddha purport, and came to the Chinese hong dharma preached, made good affinity.  He visited the eastern of  Shanghai, Suzhou and others.

One day, he arrived Longhua, and seeing there was beautiful and serenity. Then he thought it was a field of fortune for naziritism. So he decided to live in Longhua. But he didn't know that because of the dragon king built his palace there, Longhua was peaceful. The dragon king was unhappy when he seen the monk living there. At that time, the evil was came out, he wanted to frighten the monk by aeration. But the dragon king suddenly found that a light was emiting on dormant grass, bring on the clouds. The dragon king was alarmed, and he came  and had a look, seen Kangsenghui look unperturbed by Meditation chanting.

The dragon king listened for a while,  was moved by the monk's speaking the Buddha. He not only removed the original evil thoughts, also went up to Kangsenghui said, his would be back to the Donghai to live, and gave the dragon palace to Kangsenghui, for building Brahman Yu. Kangsenghui accepted the kindness of dragon king, and the dragon temple was rebuilted ChengLongHua temple. He came to nanjing to met the king of Wu, Sunquan.  Asking he for help to build pagoda, then he would to arrange the relics. And so, the longhua temple built in 13 stupas and placed 13 a Buddha in them.

It was said that the "Kangsenghui" also made influence for Shanghai and surrounding areas of Shanghai, that is what he had in longhua temple near set up a "Shanghai born hall", and taught a law of sugar from India. The law would be benefit to the local people.