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The First Temple

It's the Maitreya Hall. In the middle of the hall, there is a maitreya to be consecrated.  According to "the students by Maitreya", "Maitreya swells by Records", the maitreya borned in the brahman family and then became a member of buddhism and wording under the Longhua tree of China gardens. On the breadth of Up, Middle and Down, was known as the "longhua three meetings". According the name of the Longhua Temple, was to take Maitreya Buddha Buddha in Longhua tree meaning. So Longhua Temple was known as the temple of the Maitreya Buddha and set a hall to consecrate the maitreya.

The Second Temple

It's the Heavenly King Hall. There are four kings with attitude dignified on both sides.  The difference between it and other temples is that there is a cheongwan maitreya in it. Buddhism think that He is still live hood of day of maitreya bodhisattva rate method, he wore the five-buddha crown YingLuo pelosi, called day crown maitreya.

The Third Temple

It's the Mahavira Hall which is the main hall in the temple. Three gilded "Avatamsaka Sam Shing " are dedicated in the temple.  In the middle it is the Vairocana Buddha , also known as Dharmakaya Buddha. On the left is Manjushri, its top knots five buns and it is riding a lion, that the wisdom of the mighty.  On the right is the Samantabhadra, it is riding the elephant with six teeth and shows six degrees.  The hall also displays a Ming Dynasty Wanli for 14 years (1586) cast the Temple bell.

The west side of the Mahavira Hall, there dedicated twelve god to protect the dharma.
Behide the Mahavira Hall, is a large island wall model, based on the good fortune of buddhist stories induces the boy.

The Fourth Temple

It's a hall which was rebuilt in 1983.  Three gilded "Western Trinity" are dedicated in the hall . In the middle there is the Buddha Amitabha. On the left is the Guanyin Bodhisattva and on the right side is Bodhisattvas.  Different from the other temple, the Mother Buddha is male.  In the history of Indian Buddhism, the Mother Buddha was male, but when it was spreaded to China, since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the female phased. Inside still hanging the first President of the buddhist association of China YuanYing, writing "Ephraim by far the wind" plaque and Ming Yang mage book "cool" plaque.

The Sixthe Temple

It's the sutra depository leisurely.