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    The Badaling since ancient times is an important military strategic place where to defense the Northern People in the Spring and Autumn Period. Built the Great Wall, this still see Canqiang, pier relics, the trend broadly consistent with the Ming Great Wall. Badaling is the mountainous peaks of the Army Mountain sign of trouble a mountain pass, the Ming Dynasty, "Chang Nocturne" said: "The road from points, easily accessible, hence the name Great Guanshan the highest bidder." Visible geo-strategic position of Badaling . Badaling Great Wall is part of the Great Wall of China's great ancient defense works, Koji 18 years (1505) Ming Dynasty, the Badaling Great Wall, the construction of up to 80 years, and Qi Jiguang tune to the north, the command of the Great Wall defense. After 80 years of construction of the Badaling Great Wall Chengguan associated pier Fort sea, the heavy city guard, flames alarm tight defense system.

   The history of the Badaling Great Wall is the gateway to guard Juyongguan to today's South Side, from the Badaling Great Wall, the middle is a 40-mile long canyon, canyon, built in the City "Pass", this canyon, hence the name "ditch clearance, but it is really strangling the gateway to the Badaling Great Wall, Badaling highest in the north end of the ditch clearance highest at, Jiazhi here two peaks, one in the open, condescending, and the situation is extremely advantageous. The ancients of the risk "Badaling under, as the Pass, as they construct collar such glimpse Well", "Guyan not pass city, said in Badaling". It is obvious that the Juyongguan just a key city, the real Great Wall was built in Badaling. Badaling Pass special terrain, the ancient battleground, therefore, built the Great Wall has a very important strategic significance.

    The badaling is the testimony of many important events in history testimony.The first emperor qin shihuang JieShi in the east, from the badaling via datong, then return in xianyang.Shaw XunXing, yuan TaiZu entering the queen mother, the yuan dynasty emperor from Beijing and two times a year, in the Ming dynasty, emperor between northern expedition, li in Beijing, the qing dynasty emperors capture personal expedition...Badaling is the necessary land. In modern history,many historical allusions and valuable historical memories about Empress cried on the Badaling, Zhan Tianyou Presided over the construction of Chinese self-built railway - Jingzhang Railway, Sun Zhongshan visited to the Badaling and so on. It is a famous historical place.