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Great Wall Museum

    Great Wall as its theme, and fully reflect the history of the Great Wall, the political, military, economic, cultural museum. Located the Badaling off outside the city, was completed and opened in 1994. Hall A total of nine exhibition halls and the exhibition area of 3000 square meters. Display multiple topics, including the basic context of the ancient Great Wall "shows the Great Wall, the emergence and development; the Ming Dynasty Great Wall", "build Wubei" to show the causes and processes of the Ming Dynasty built the Great Wall, the provision and distribution of the Military Town, the Great Wall of the building structure and with the layout and weapons defense facilities; economic and cultural exchanges reproduction of all ethnic groups of the Great Wall and long-term common development and mutual exchange of fusion of historical facts; national art treasure-house of the performance of the Great Wall is the crystallization of several thousand years of Chinese traditional culture and art; I love China, to repair our Great Wall "to show the care and protection of the Great Wall. The exhibition concentrated along the Great Wall around the unearthed cultural relics, specimens, supplemented by detailed historical documents, photographs, models, illustrated, also part of the high technology and sound, light, electricity and other modern display means, different from the existing domestic the Great Wall Museum on display.

Full week theater in the Great Wall

    The first domestic ring the curtain-type cinema. Located next to the Great Wall Museum, 200 meters from the Great Wall Tang Chengkou. Covers an area of 1800 square meters, construction area of 960 square meters. Theater points in three layers, the main part of the week movie auditorium, 20 m in diameter and 7.5 meters high. 9 great screen and a full range stereo speakers, the audience hall can accommodate 500 people. Starting from Shanhaiguan in the main projection 360-degree movie screen "Great Wall", the film through the East, west to Jiayuguan 6000 km Great Wall monuments, war scenes, historical stories, folklore, spring, summer, autumn and winter scenery, etc. to show the audience the history of the Great Wall and the status quo.

Chinese cultural celebrities sculpture memorial

    Located in the Badaling Great Wall of water off the southwest side. Park placed the ashes, relics and sculptures of nine cultural celebrities:Bing Xin, Mao Dun, Ye Shentao, Xia Yan, Tian Han, Xu Beihong, Guo Moruo, Cao Yu, Wu Wenzao. The couple of Bingxin and Wu Wenzao's tombs are in a hilltop adjacent Great Wall covers an area of approximately 50 square meters, cemeteries and tombstones, only an 8-ton white marble cameo head.

Residues Great Wall

Badaling is the first of the Great Wall. Is the essence of the Ming Great Wall, its difficult terrain, to build a magnificent since ancient times is to surround the mausoleum in Beijing's military strategic importance. From the 10 - li south-west of Badaling is the west gate of the defense system of the Badaling Great Wall - Badaling residues Great Wall Scenic Area. Mountains, deep groove insurance gully, the Great Wall Chengguan necklace, pier Fort sea, save the original, although incomplete, Treasures Jew, that ruins the passage of time, twilight replacement, silently telling the history of the vicissitudes of the ancient battlefield of yesterday ...... residual Badaling Great Wall is a witness to history. It has not only witnessed a significant historical event, also witnessed a vast scale in the history of mankind military defense project to build the two sites of archaeological value, according to research found that residues at the Badaling Great Wall.


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Shui Guan Great Wall

   Badaling ShuiGuan Great Wall is located in the northwest of Beijing 40 kilometers, this section Great Wall is the eastern section of the Badaling Great Wall, the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway to build China's first independently designed, but truncated. The Shui Guan Great Wall is the ruins of the Ming Great Wall, built by Qi Jiguang Governor, dating back 400 years of history. This section the Great Wall was built in the insurance Taniguchi since Watergate watchtower Great Wall was a "V", to conform to the mountain line, such as the dragon like Kunpeng artful, watchtower that is the watch tower at the same time both the effect of Watergate, such a construction method in along the Great Wall is extremely rare, hence the name water off the Great Wall. Water off the Great Wall, difficult terrain, the black dragon and downs in between the mountains, through the cliffs above the castle connected Bongsudae to look, double-sided pile of arrows, to keep the enemy thousands. Shui Guan Great Wall East Chuan 1, west of Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway, 6.8 kilometers long, strange, dangerous, steep, Kennedy said.