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    Tray Tower Bridge, the main attractions are Fairy Bridge, step by difficult, Adulterous trysts, Shizi rock, Tianzi peak.

Fairy bridge

    Fairy bridge was made by red sandstone, 26 meters long bridge, Kuanjin 1.5 meters, above in the abyss.
    Fairy bridge support at both ends like stone bridge, stone bridge both ends of the bulge seems to Fort symmetry. Under the bridge for the lofty cliffs, clouds fog around the Bay, thrilling.

step by difficult

    Immortal line from the east a few hundred meters off a cliff, size, and the two boulders in front of a piece of about 20 meters, 2 meters Kuan Jin is an excellent viewing platform. But not everyone dare to stand up a collar charm emperor. Kuan Jin as a 1-meter, 100 meters deep cracks in the Pro mountains separating the two, only the brave may step across to the majority of visitors to this, often overlooking ravines deterred. Named  "step by difficult."

Adulterous trysts

    About 3 km away from the fairy bridge among the desert valley, a natural split in two Xiufeng, one high and one low,';ll stay standing, it resembles a woman hiding in the mountains at a secluded rendezvous. The left side of the jungle, the one half of exposed rocks outside the forest, peering at it like a secret lover, and its unique landscapes, interesting taste.

Shizi rock

    Child rock tower in the tea tray tongue of about 200 meters east to the West Valley three natural viewing platform out of orientation, in the middle of platform, 10 meters wide, long 100 meters, is very much like out of a long-tongued .

Tianzi Peak

     Tianzishan is known for 4 natural spectacles - the clouds of mist that circle the peaks of the mountain, the amazing views of the rising sun, the moonlit nights and snowcapped winter peaks.
     They include more than 80 natural platforms to take in the magnificent scenery.