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Xishuangbanna Weather

75F ~ 91F
Light Rain To Showers
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Man standing in the Lancang River House Temple north of the bridge, go east from Jinghong, across the Lancang River Bridge, turn right onto Man House Village, you can see the magnificent Temple of Man Court, and it is the oldest Buddhist temple in Jinghong City building. Man Court Dai temple is called "Wa Man House", which means the center temple, the temple is surrounded by blocks of Dai bamboo house and Lime, mango, betel nut and other hardwood surrounded by tall, a typical Theravada Theravada Buddhist monastery. Monastery was founded in 1477, the site of the hospital site 1 km west.

The scale of the magnificent temple, the main temple with 18 8 meters high, 40 cm thick wooden columns supporting the red piles, beams, all Then the brackets to wear hoods architecture, temple carved eaves clear stand 16 elephant. The entire temple in the construction process, whether beams or brackets, all with tenon phase, not a nail or a rivet, a very elegant and beautiful style. Every Dai';s "open section", "Splash", local, or foreign country of believers have come here to worship, redemption Buddha. This is because the local Buddhist temple, Buddhist monks and Xishuangbanna highest feudal lords, Xuanwei Guan member donations to build and, therefore, the religious and social with high status and influence.

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Jinghong City by bus to the Man House Village, fare 2 yuan, 100 meters to the south.