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Xi'an Weather

66F ~ 84F
Overcast To Light Rain
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The Site of Chang'an of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) is located about five kilometers northwest of today's Xi'an city, the capital of Shaanxi Province. Chang'an city was first built during the period of the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-25AD). The ruins of this city are just separated by Longshouyuan Mountains from the ruins of another city, the capital of the Tang Dynasty (618AD-907AD), which was also named Chang'an. The Chang'an city of the Han Dynasty was very large in area with exquisite designs and layout. As a proof of the long history and deep culture of today's Xi'an city, this city had always served as the political, economic and cultural center during the two hundred years in the Western Han Dynasty. And this area nowadays is under state-level protection.

It was a consumer city, a city whose existence was not primarily predicated upon manufacturing and trade, but rather boasted such a large population because of its role as the political and militaristic center of China.


403,518 bus ride can be.