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Hanzheng Street has a long history, being one of the oldest streets in Hankou. According to the records of Annals of Xiakou County and other books, this street has a history of 500 years. Early during the Wanli Reign Period of Ming Dynasty, Hanzheng Street has been a town. Near it, there were a lot of docks collecting and distributing materials. For the convenient water transportation, along the Hanzheng Street, there were more and more shops or stores. Until the Qin Dynasty, Hanzheng Street became the central street of Hankou.

Hanzheng Street was once closed for being influenced by the depressed market after the foundation of New China. In 1979, being approved by the Wuhan Municipal People's Government, Hanzheng Street was rebuilt. During the following years, more and more self-employed people began to open shops in this street. At present, the self-employed shops have reached 13,200. Each day, the number of customers is about 160,000.

Address: Hankou

Transportation: take Bus 507, 579, 725, 56, 737, 708, etc.