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Huo Yuanjia (January 18, 1868 - August 9, 1910) was a Chinese martial artist and co-founder of the Chin Woo Athletic Association, a martial arts school in Shanghai. A practitioner of the martial art mizongyi, Huo is considered a hero in China for defeating foreign fighters in highly publicized matches at a time when Chinese sovereignty was being eroded by colonization, foreign concessions, and spheres of influence. Due to his heroic status, legends and myths about events in his life are difficult to discern from facts.

Fearless house museum is located in Tianjin small South West Green Kawamura, the original is a simple farmhouse, the renovation of the 1986 Fearless house, built Fearless cemetery to commemorate the patriotic Mingzhen foreign martial arts family. Fearless 1997 again repair the house, the extension of the Fearless mausoleum, turned into "Fearless house museum."

Fearless home from the museum's old home, and Fearless Fearless cemetery composed of two parts, the early years of house Jianxuqing Tongzhi. In 1997, the site of its clamshell Sangeyuan into the green mountainside. Striding into the small courtyard gatehouse, is inlaid with a "good" characters Yingbi wall. Yingbi the wall behind is a dark four five main building, the small courtyard left and right have a house, Fearless portrait hanging among the main building, and both sides are killed Fearless HUO Dong Club in the book of condolences after the "lifetime Chivalry, Geshi hero. Westinghouse Fearless study the wall hung high for the Sun Yat-sen Jingwu Sports Association's inscription reads: "martial spirit." House, a number of Fearless join martial arts display used by the arms and the flag Jingwu, and other relics and artifacts used his Fearless. Fearless Southern Kawamura small cemetery in the south, covering nearly one hectare, the overall building is the axis symmetrical layout. From Shinto, lions, Xiangdian, stone arch, composed of sleep Park. Fearless cemetery is also a biography galleries, the exhibition includes four parts: First, the Youyan beginning to bear fruit; Second, work Zhiyong, swear snow national humiliation; Third, create Jingwu, strengthening the country and the kind of Fourth, patriotic spirit flourish. Fearless coffin in the April 29, 1989 Qianzang here.

Memorial home from the date of completion of the tens of thousands of patriotic people have come to visit the territories viewing and reviewing Fearless patriotic heroes of the legendary deeds and moving spirit. Now, memorials have been designated as the key units to be protected in Tianjin and the Tianjin municipal youth base for education in patriotism.