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Central Park in the downtown area a zone of peace, the Garden Ring Road to around the middle. Built in 1917, known as the Garden of France. France built the original park Nuoerdake statue of national hero and a statue of the goddess of peace. After the 1941 changed its name to Central Park, 1946 changed its name to Roosevelt Garden, and removal of the statue, and so on. April 1949 in Tianjin People's Government funding of the park restoration, changed its name to Central Park.

    Park covers an area of 1.27 hectares, are round, is a typical French rules artificial garden. Park Centre to build a Western-style octagonal two-pillar Shi Ting, around the lawn surrounded by Pei Chen. Park plant in Long Zhuahuai, white wax, the West House Begonia, irrigation, and other trees and wood-based Chinese rose.Has a symmetrical two rockery, a plum blossom fountain, parking lots have two children and children integrated playground. Is a multi-purpose park.