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Shenzhen Sea Garden is a pastoral landscape with ecology, clubs, villas putting into a sight-seeing, vacation, leisure, entertainment and so multi-functional integrated tourism zone. It is located in Shenzhen Baoan District manhole town, covering an area of one hundred and seventy-three square kilometers.
The tourist area was first put into testing in October 1, 2001 and since then it has been successful in receiving hundreds of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists and companies who are invited to your whole pastoral staff visit the western sea, organizational business meeting, the company group activities, staff training, groups dinner and accommodation.
Shenzhen Western sea idyllic tourist area is located in the Shenzhen Western Pearl River estuary which is an ecological landscape, clubs, villas for integrated tourism, resort, conference, leisure, entertainment and other multi-functional integrated tourism zone, the western part of Shenzhen are the pillar industries of tourism. As eco-tourism is a subject of very large tourist areas, the sea to their own unique garden pond rural scenery based on more than two thousand years at the Agriculture, Fisheries and cultural backgrounds, to the magnificent qualities, rich content, changing layout, charming landscape will be one hundred and seventy-three square kilometers of coastal shoreline of the south-pointing carriage turned into a worldly paradise. The Pastoral Sets puts sea tourism, leisure, education model as a whole, at the full display of the beauty of nature at the same time, people would realize the city back to nature, the simple desire to return to pastoral.
Shenzhen is a city full of industry and many areas have been polluted. However, in this garden, you would be able to see a lot of natural animals and you would feel the nature. It is a bit difficult to achieve this in Shenzhen but the garden is very successful in doing this. Therefore, if you would like to visit some natural spots in Shenzhen for leisure, this garden would surely be top on your list.