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Shangrao Weather

61F ~ 72F
Cloudy To Overcast
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Shangrao City, 40 km south Shangrao at Au on Lu Feng Ze Town Lake, also known as Tai Au reservoir, located in the five House Mountain basin.

Five House Hill House by five hills of 1891.4 meters above sea level. Gordon is expected to peak in Jiangxi widely believed the government and Rao Island House, Fujian Nanping Prefecture, Zhejiang Quzhou and Kim Washington is named. Mist-shrouded mountains five government has always been known for picturesque scenery and pleasant weather.

With the key water conservancy project in Jiangxi Shangrao the largest water conservancy project - the completion of large Au reservoir, 9.5 km wide and add more water lakes and mountains of her enchanting and charming, because the reservoir is located in the center of our townLegend in Wonderland - "Seven months in time" zone it is named "Seven Star Lake."

Lake of the birth of seven five-House Hill this mysterious and beautiful place to achieve the perfect combination of mountain and water. Lakes with the growth of trees and flowers, and many prominent national protection of rare animals and plants, the distribution of the famous "Temple Church", "Jiang Gongmiao" and humanistic heritage, and the "Admiralty Falls", "Yang Lei Jinpen" and other scenic Hao Ling points and battle sites such as the Red Army.

Distribution of the famous "Temple Church", "Jiang Gongmiao" and humanistic heritage, and the "Admiralty Falls", "Yang Lei Jinpen" and other scenic spots and sites such as the Battle of the Red Army Hao Ling. Transportation

Shangrao get off the train station from the road by a bus Shangrao 3 big market, and then by the county rural bus which amounts to Feng Ze Lake (also known as Tai Au station), tickets 6 yuan.