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The Ancient Stage

The Ancient Stage was bulid sitting north to south in the end of ninteen century. It was carved beams and painted raffers - a richly ormamented building, so was called "the first ancient stage in Jiangnan". Both sides of the Ancient Stage are rails and its stands is 2m high. In front of the rails, there are wood carving pictures, like lion, phoenix, dragon playing a ball and so on with a gold foil. That is a vault shape in the top , and has twenty two floors in circles and twenty way curve intersection. There are 28 golden birds flying and the center is a round mirror. Caisson not only beautifully for decorated, but  reasonable for structure. It's good to achieve good acoustics. The Ancient Stage covers a total area of 600 square meters with graceful environment and the interest is abundant.

Songcui Pavilion

You can see the Songcui Pavilion in the southern of the Boat. It's a unique in the green trees and stand above of artificial.

In Front of the Boat

The Boat is located on the rockery in the Inner Garden, also called "the city of sin". It is a land boat that in front of the Boat, it's shape as wave, and as if swing in the water.

The Boat

The Boat is located on the rockery in the Inner Garden, also called "the city of sin". It is a land boat that in front of the Boat, it's shape as wave, and as if the line in the water.

Marine View

Marine View is a three-floors structure full of wood, and called "soul". In Qing Dynasty, it's the highest building in Shanghai, the climb is expected to see the Huangpu River.

Can View

Can View is shaped as square. In front of the hall, there are tile carving and dragon wall beside. It is also full of trees arround it.

Nine Dragons Pool

Water leading to the south of the courtyard pond, inside the pool is puzzled lake stones. Rock crevices are carved four stone dragons, and the reflection in the water is also four. So plus the water resembles a dragon winding body, a total of 9.  For generations, it is called Nine Dragons Pool.


The main buildin in the Inner Garden is the Contemplation which also called Qingxue Hall. Face to the Contemplation are full of shorts, some like nine lions dribbles, some like peacock flying and some like the elephant, tiger, monkey, deer, sheep and so on. It is said that if you visit carefully, you will find more than one hundred of animal images.

Inner Garden

Rockeries, ponds, pavilions, and towers; first laid out in 1709 and more recently recreated in 1956 by combining its east and west gardens.