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79F ~ 91F
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20km long Coconut tree Dream Corridor is a famous seashore scenery corridor built around the Sanya Bay, and is called "Asia First Street". The east end of the corridor is connected with the Sanya city, while its west end leads to the airport and scenic areas like Nanshan, Dongtian Park, etc, which makes the transportation very convenient. The beach of Sanya Bay has gentle slopes and smooth shape. With dream like cover of coconut trees, the seashore corridor is now the most popular public leisure beach area.

The most romantic time to view the Coconut Tree Dream Corridor is at the sunset, when red dusk clouds are all over the sky. Breathtaking sunset, emerald green tropical vegetation, crowded and leisure sea and Moon Square, dream-like night scene of Sanya Bay, splendent restaurants and high level villas in Sanya, are all beautiful pictures that can be seized, and become the most beautiful memories on the trip.


Location: Coastal area of Sanya Bay, West of Sanya city


About 3 km from the city center.

1. New Country LineDouble-decker tour bus (open upper shelf, lower air-conditioning):

Course: Yalong Bay - East China Sea - Sanya Bay - West Island Ferry - ends of the earth. Half an hour, as early as 7:00 am bus departure from the Bay, around 19:00 last train back from the ends of the earth, travel about 70 minutes to tour speed, full fare of 10 yuan (by road charges).

2. In the urban areas take the 206 bus, the bus shelters in the East China Sea can take 8 train arrived Coconut Dream Corridor. City hit 25 yuan. Yalong Bay, Sanya Bay Road to 30 km, about half an hour by car from the YalongBay is about 60 per taxi.


Public open tourist area, free of charge.