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In May 3, 1946, a China Communist Party delegation led by Zhou Enlai and Dong Biwu came to Nanjing from Chongqing, to have ceasefire negotiations with Kuomintang, to which the People's Liberation Army was fighting with for decades.

The CPC delegation stayed in Meiyuan New Village for about ten months. It has made tremendous contribution in political history of modern China.

The site of Offices of CPC Delegation is located at 30 Meiyuan New Village, the overall environment is still maintained here, to which the place is as green as in the past. It was actually the former residence and office of Zhou Enlai and his wife Deng Yingchao. It has three two-storey houses with a total of eighteen rooms inside, of which the main house consists of offices, reception room, bedroom and dining room on the first floor. Upstairs is the intelligent department. The garden walls here had been heightened to twice the original height in order to prevent the surveillance and sabotage by outside secret agents.

35 Meiyuan New Village was the residence and office of Communist heroes Dong Biwu, Li Weihan, Liao Chengzhi, Qian Ying and others. This site is much smaller than No. 30. It comprises a two-storey house of brick and wooden structure for office and living use, and two smaller houses are policy making and local security. Changes have been made that the doorway which was easily monitored by special agents at No. 31 was blocked by something. Nos. 35 and 30 can be conveniently accessed to one another.

The Exhibition Hall and the Bronze Statue of Premier Zhou Enlai are located on the west of Meiyuan New Village Community. It is so near to the Logistics Center for Nanjing Military Zone of the PLA. The hall is a magnificent modern construction with Chinese characteristics. The windows are being tinted with traditional Chinese style.

The Bronze Statue of Premier Zhou Enlai is erected in front of the frontal wall of the garden. The height of the statue is 3.2 meters and has weight of 900 kilograms. It stands like a real man in the garden, the physical features and face expressions are very lifelike, which aptly describe the firmness, composure, intelligence and degage of a great Chinese revolutionary.