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In Meiling Jing area was gray, for the single-hole stone arch bridge, Qiaolan twelve stone pillars, each carved with a lion roof pillars, form different life. The bridge worked wooden bridge was rebuilt Qing Jiaqing Dingchou of stone, the bridge monument inscribed "Jiaqing Dingchou", "Autumn Moon Ji Dan," and so forth.

Miao economy on both sides of the bridge is not populated, the bridge not to pass acts of purpose, the bridge is only a feng shui is said in ancient times, the local ridge for mountain light soil, water, river more narrow, and often subject to drought and flood disaster, travel far and wide to this Buddha Ji Gong , the point of deep drawing sparse local population, sparse wide river, the mountains planting forests, they built a wooden bridge locked straight stream (straightDragon River that is), take the Taoist "magic magic economy" of Italy, named Miao Ji Bridge. Since then, there LIANGFENG folk music.

Chant was here as tourists viewing place, the poet, Aston Mu breeze, sip springs, sheet material';s deep, poetic reverie, chant song after another good poem. Ming Chen Hongxu looking Jinju Buddha know the state peak, chant: "Society for the gate of the rise of Daqian force, either the old track record that Western Hills. Do not believe King has this, see the cut out Bi Fu Rong."

Bridge, two Guzhang, large strains around 5.6 meters, 4.3 meters of small plants, trunk twist, the sub-main branch is very small, looks strange - "big belly small arms, legs stretching from mud.For torsional state dance, like a bonsai tree ", as Meiling," Ruin, "one of the visitors to the" bonsai Zhang. "


219 Road to get off the bus Wanli interchange 112 to the peace of the car, can be.