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Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall is located in Liaoyang City alley lying lion 2, Wu Qing Dynasty architecture is built on the basis of residence for the municipal units.

Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall into the courtyard for two, a hard mountain tile 21, a compound of Cao Xueqin statue. Galleries within the museum collection and exhibition related to historical archives Cao, Cao Cao Yin grandfather, poetry, genealogy Cao, Qing archives and a series of literature. In addition, display more versions of "Dream of Red Mansions" and the "Dream of Red Mansions" is the national famous paintings and other content. The Museum of the Qing Dynasty architecture, each showroom Jieyou couplets, the front door of the famous Dream of expertiseYong Feng their home inscribed, "Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall" gold plaque.

Cao Xueqin is a Chinese classic "Dream of Red Mansions," the author, the research in their home in Liaoyang.


Liaoyang City train station, bus by 1,20 the station and get off at the wooden fish stone.


5 yuan