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Kangding Weather

46F ~ 55F
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Located 126 km north of Kangding County Nature Reserve within the holes of jade, around the left bank of the Dadu River, altitude 1700-5712 meters.
Yeniugou because the trench is named after a pack of bison. Stream 30 km, the area has 20 square kilometers of virgin forest and grassland, where the only remaining virgin forest for the original purely national Minjiang cypress, with large areas of the Millennium Cooper, vigorous upright; has more than 310 colored natural Hai, size waterfall 15, snowPeak a few blocks from the original elevation of 2300-4600 meters to sub-alpine forest distribution area of evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forest, mixed forest, deciduous broad-leaved shrub based. Representative plants Yunnan pine, hemlock, pine, pine and so on. Steppe Cat trench live, blue sheep, argali, wildebeest (local call bison), green Monal (beta hen) and dozens of species of rare animals and hundreds of species of birds. Therefore, the bison ditch called a "forest treasure chest" and "biological gene pool."
Yeniugou the bottom of a mountain meadow scattered. Ditch elevation of 4500 meters above a lake on the acres of moraine called Long Zi, who started the fifth lunar month every year, would go a long ditch Tibetans inside and outside the edge of Hai Zi, legendary bless Yeniugou to two men and two women four mountain Sang Wei pay tribute to Buddha.
Trench water buffalo is rich in long-Hai and converged into a chilly snow mountain stream, off the south and west injected River, about 30 km. Long Hai Zi from a waterfall, hanging in the Rock Hill';s is the West, as long as the sun, every afternoon, waterfalls have formed under the rainbow, over time, the location of the rainbow willGradually increased, becoming Yeniugou a great spectacle.
Traffic into the ditch bison, generally holding the first car to the impregnable tower town, 4200 meters above sea level then ride over the black card liangzi. Black Card liangzi steep exception, the slope of sixty or seventy degrees, clouds of virgin forest, horseback riding through a very stimulating. Leong Che turn black card, they came to the silver market trench floor, the terrain becomes what relief flat.