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Jiujiang Weather

75F ~ 90F
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Located 36 km southwest of the county pengze Oolong foothills, only 60 kilometers away from the Jiujiang City, traffic is very convenient. Scenic area of about 4.3 square kilometers. The whole area around Castle Green Flows, flowers, deer are often shadow, is the mountain, water, cave, Buddha fused famous tourist, tourism, vacation, resort, summer resort.

Dragon Palace Cave discovered in 1978, the end of the mountain cave. Because of the cave resembles the classic novel "Journey to the West" as described in the East China Sea underwater, hence the name Dragon Palace Cave.

Up to 2,700 meters underwater cave, a large stalactite cave, Shiman, stalagmites and so on. MainTo tourist attractions are the vestibule, corridor, East Palace, West Palace, and is official.

Recent years, the area also actively developing new attractions. After opening in 1992, Yu-dong, was founded in 1993 and was rebuilt five years Shu Lite (227 years) Rock Millennium Temple Xianzheng King Hall, Main Hall, the Sutra Hall and so on. Whole buildings magnificent, magnificent.

Palace Hotel environment elegant and simple appearance, is a courtyard building.


Shak Chung Shan east of 43Kilometers, 90 kilometers southeast from Jingdezhen, are shuttle up.