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Kwong White Tower, also known as "relic pagoda", Song Chun Xi to Jiading (AD 1174 -1224) of C built between security. Located 2 km south of Guang deaf beach side of the river channel. Tower Tower and opposite Kuixing distant relative, "looking up a distance, show the cloud table", or "White Tower Gun", ranked first in King Kwong Jiuzhi sixteen Ming Wu Zhonglong praise: "Budo towering sky day by day You, Su Ying Ying Biliuhe layers. bamboo trail cut through through the temple, willows brushed light drag fishing boat. away from the battlements looking heavy clouds together, overlooking the river drainage line revenue. Yaqian artificial help to clock, Weiwei Zhuang writing future generations. "

Architectural Features
And the square tower, 36.7 meters high, the tower is masonry, wood pavilion-style buildings, a total of 9 layers. Layer 1 -5 stone structure layer, 6 layers -9 layer structure for the tiles, the color mounted 3 layers. Tower hollow, stepped between the layers can be registered to the top of the tower. No Tasha, the top four interlinked. Layer 1 -4 doors on both sides are hung basil 8 stone statues8 (now no deposit). Riverside side of the second layer of "Tathagata to be compared, relic pagoda" character.

5 yuan