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25F ~ 32F
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    Baiyu Mountain Scenery Area is located at the center of Lushun Area.  It is a national AAAA tourist scenic area and province protected relic site.  The original name of Baiyu Mountain is Xiguan Mountain.  During Ming dynasty, when Li Hongzhang inspected Lushun, the mountain is renamed Baiyu Mountian.  The Baiyu Mountain stands at 130 m from sea level.  At its top, the entire Lushun, the beautiful naval port, and the mighty naval ships are all in view.  Inside the area, there are Baiyu Mountain Tower, which has stood for a century, and a naval weaponry museum with a collection of 1000 modern weapons in 600 categories.  Half way on the mountain side, there are century-old gun batteries and the Bainiao Aviary with free-range endangered birds.

    Baiyu Tower is the main view in Baiyu Mountain Scenic Area.  The original name of the Baiyu Mountain Tower is Patriotic Tower.  Togo Heihachiro, the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, and Nogi Maresuke, the commander of the Third Army, selected Baiyu Mountain for building the tower to store the ashes of the Japanese soldiers died in the war.  The construction of the Baiyu Mountain Tower started in June 1907 and completed in November 1909.  The tower is 66.8 m tall with 273 stairs and 18 windows.  The bronze inscription on the north side at the top of the tower is jointly written by Togo Heihachiro and Nogi Maresuke.  The inscription gives a brief account of the fight for the Lushun stronghold.  The iron spiral stairs in the tower were made in the United States.  The granite for the tower foundation is from the stones the Japanese Navy used to block the port by sinking ships.  The stones of the pillar and tower body are mostly shipped in from Japan.  The inscription on north side at the top of the tower and the three characters "Biao Zhong Ta" were removed by the Soviet army in 1945.  On April 16, 1986, the tower is renamed as Baiyu Tower.