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Dalian Weather

55F ~ 66F
N at 40km/h
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    Situated on the coast south west of the city center, Xinghai Square is the largest square in Asia. The square covers a total area of45,000 square meters and the name of the square means "the Sea of Stars" in Chinese. The name of the square resembles the shape and design of the center of the square, which looks like a star, with two white marble pillars and 9 big dings.

    The square was built to honor Hong Kong's return to China in the year1997 and represents the "New Spirit of Dalian". Xinghai Square also boasts of imprints of 1000 pairs of footprints of Dalian people, which bears testimony to the enterprising spirit of the denizens of Dalian. The importance of the square can be proved from the fact that it features prominently in the tourist literature on Dalian.

    Xinghai Square is surrounded by some of the major attractions of Dalian that include the Xinghai Convention and Exhibition Center, a bathing beach, a huge indoor tennis court, an indoor swimming pool, a wide spectrum of quality restaurants, a bungee tower and a large aquarium. Xinghai Square also acts as the venue for many popular and ceremonial events and activities like Spring Fireworks Festival, International Beer Festival and Dalian International Fashion Festival.

    Dalian is one of the popular cities in China located in the eastern Liaoning Province of Northeast China. It is one of the few cities of China that features a perfect concoction of the ancient Chinese traditions and customs with the all the modern facets that can be seen in any of the modern cities of the world.

    There is no dearth of tourist attractions in the city and some of these attractions highlight the rich historical and cultural heritage of the city. Xinghai Square, Dalian is one of the major cultural and historical landmarks of the city. It is the most recognizable landmarks of the city and has even become synonymous with the existence of the city.