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Tianchang patriotism education base. Wandong famous tourist attractions. Road construction in Tianchang, the heaven road south. To commemorate the fertile fields Poet and hero, when he calmly ordered Tianchang magistrate Huang Temple in this building.

Wo Tin, Shandong Wei Dengzhou who know the hereditary Zhihui Qian, Tang Wu Jinshi first, the Department of Zhejiang are Zhihuiqianshi, fielding Jiangsu Yizheng. Jiajing thirty six years (1557) October 5, fertile male soldier in the everlasting intercepted by the Yangzhou invasion of pirates, unfortunate martyrdom.

Then repair the tomb built this temple. Gloomy, change of dynasty. Ancestral Hall has long been fertile original ruins. In 1983East of the re-wash fertile Matang Ancestral Hall. Fertile male due to the year cleaning Matang named after the battle horses.

Ancestral Hall Kosovo today has five main hall, exhibition hall, five to a lot of historical data, reproduce the general';s military career fields fertile. Ming Dynasty architectural style used throughout the building, simple and elegant, magnificent.