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Changzhi City, is located in the western suburbs of Kun Iam Tong Ka Village West, about 3 km away from the city, a Ming Wanli years (AD 1582), dating back over 420 years of history, is well preserved in Changzhi city of a monastery. Design of the main hall of the hospital subtlety, the way skills, modeling exquisite colorful, hanging plastic, with high artistic value and cultural historical value.

Guanyin Hall Block east to west, the existing two courtyards. Axis followed by a gate, pavilion, Kwun Yam Temple. Among the gate bell tower on both sides, left and right side hall confrontation of an ancient cypress hospital, there are thousands of years, tall lush, lush.
Goddess of Mercy Temple is the temple in the main hall, two wide three deep, Dan Yan hanging Peak. Dianding yellow and white glass to kiss ridge, ornamentation and passion for the Beaulieu patterns, vivid, elegant and graceful, are relics of the Ming Dynasty. Lintel above the hanging engraved with the "Goddess of Mercy Church," the three gilt characters the board, eleven years for the Ming Dynasty (AD 1583), Gao Gao Feng Qin inscription assistant minister Ministry of War, PaulDeposit has, in fact, valuable.

Guanyin the three walls of the hall and the roof beams above the top windows and doors are all painted Nitai colorful gilt, hanging plastic. Within three small temple, about five hundred existing statues, colorful, hanging plastic white, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism communion, or sitting in the pulpit, or by gable, or hanging rafters look, some of them vigorous force, momentum is compelling; some grace and elegant, the Furama you; some quiet and kind, and calm; some look Toshihaya, deportment thousands. Can be described as the Ming Dynasty painted sculpture in the boutique. & Nbsp;

Buddhist altar in the middle of the hall, is the Buddhist "three persons", that is Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Samantabhadra. Buddha is the back wall of the three is taken from the "Flower Adornment Sutra products into the Dharma Realm" in the apprentice around on Zenzai boy ask for advice, historical visit fifty-three "good mentor," the Fifty-three participants, meaning the Buddha, Mountain will and other Buddhist tales, character modeling, posture thousands, tower loft concept, exquisite magnificent.
Beware of roomsAfter facing the top of Kim Joo, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Kong Zairu, Buddhism and Taoism were sitting originator of the central, middle Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius points out so fully embodied the years since the Tang and Song dynasties, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism inclusive cultural phenomenon. Buddha Results coffee Fuzuo, tap left foot on the left hand, right hand up as a ring flexor, is "like saying"; I dress for the long road, as if by the preaching of; Kong Ziru Health dress, sat his disciples to teach conformity. Three religions gather together, interdependent, and common development. Peace beam girders above the clever use of the height difference beams molded out of the magnificent castles, to the theme of the Western Paradise contentMaterial, including dozens of Buddhist sitting.
On both sides of the Taiwan Buddhist hall, respectively, a plastic card was Aluohanguo bit of Eighteen, a sleep Lohan, Lohan dumb, static Lohan, Zhang Mei Lohan, Fuhu Lohan, Lohan Maitreya, Lohan and other diseases. Them or quiet contemplation, or Kong Wuhao place, or character Neixiu, or dressed, or slovenly, or smart well-behaved, or knowing too much, or meditation argument, or static head meditatively. Different attitude, depicts the alleged assaults.
Lohan deity above the heavens for the round, all roundDays, including four kings, including the Buddhist country';s patron saint. Some of them do you see the above comments of management, about the Buddha; some archery, martial arts practitioners; some vertical eyebrow angry, power and grandeur; Some clutched fist holding pestle, Wei Zhen side. Majestic, all grace to defend the Dharma, may protect the inviolable dignity of Buddha.
Twelve analogous three-wall plastic Buddha, they are Manjushri, Samantabhadra, the Bodhisattva & P eyes, magic Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhisattva, pure wisdom Buddha, Bodhisattva Wade, all the various industry Buddha Phor KarkBodhisattva, analogous Buddha, Bodhisattva Xianshan first (short I). This twelve Buddha demure demeanor Su, Corolla, beautifully detailed necklace, clothing lines and smooth, the emperor';s giraffe, lions, elephants, horse, form, color different, lively and vivid, as if saying the realm of ever-present in the parade, though it is Buddhist stories, there are strong folk flavor of life.
Up in the second analogous to the fourth floor, south wall of the Taoist character story, the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, the Eight Immortals, etc.; the north wall of the Confucian figures, for the seventy disciples of Confucius. In the doors of the houseWindow above the south the most famous Taoist Eight Immortals Offering Felicitation by the story and then the history of tang legends. Clouds around the hall, the solemn holy figures staggered three religions the story, like a fairyland.
Goddess of Mercy Church, covering about 6,000 square meters, the ancient building area of about 400 square meters, the main hall Kwun Yam Temple (also known as Tuas Hall) and suspended in the mud colorful plastic, for the Ming Dynasty Wanli shape, and now preserved largely intact, sculpture superb superb, the characters carved of fine realism; combined within the halls of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, oneChinese people';s favorite everything all deities, such as the Guan Gong, Rohan, the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, the Eight Immortals, seventy sage Confucius, etc., which is rare in the country. In the Goddess of Mercy Church, people can not only enjoy the masterpieces of ancient sculpture, more intuitive understanding of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and its history of character evolution and the three major religions in the Ming period of mutual absorption, the development of mutual integration of history and traditional culture form deep source. Visit the same time, enrich our knowledge of history and religious knowledge.

Ming Yin hallsHanging plastic can be described as fine.