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Frugal ideas
    Olympic venues to optimize one of the most important projects in the adjustment program design and modification of the Olympic Basketball Gymnasium has received extensive attention. Under the guidance of this principle of the "thrifty philosophy, according to the cost of the introduced design optimization after the Olympic Basketball Gymnasium dropped significantly, but also reduces the difficulty of construction, and enhanced safety performance.
    Optimized Olivier Olympic Basketball Gymnasium, canceled the original venues, the upper part of the commercial facilities and the facade of the four large-screen, reduced to 63,000 square meters building area from 119,000 square meters, the amount of steel from nearly 5 tons to 4,000 tons. Stadium contest layer than in the past raised nearly 8 m, uplift the audience hall of the entrance to the ground, the ring the carriageway Descented and tunnels also simplified. The Olympic Basketball Gymnasium adjusted estimates can save over 500 million yuan.
    "Optimization" not only simplifies the basketball hall of functionality, cost savings, and returned to the architectural design has brought benefits. Simplifies the basketball hall, can accommodate 18,000 people. The venue size, the more difficult to control reverberation time, small size, easy to carry a variety of sound field control such as sound absorption, sound insulation, the effect should be better. Thus, in the future to hold a concert or a meeting inside the sound condition than the original.
    The construction of the Olympic Basketball Gymnasium saving method is through the use of renewable or recycled materials, green building materials and products.
    Another advantage of small size, is more energy saving, this is easy to understand. Such as air conditioning energy consumption and a very large part in the stadiums, using the same air-conditioned room of 50 square meters is certainly much less than 100 square meters of power consumption.